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so sad today. :( :(

Charlie my 13yr old horse who ive had for 11yrs has been diagnosed with Navicular (to non horse people long term lameness caused by a bone in the hoof)

im sooo sad to find this out and basically hes my baby so im feeling pretty lost now.

the farrier has put some special shoes on him, hes only slightly lame now, but its obviously going to get worse, so im doing all i can to stop it getting worse.

He can still be ridden to help his blood circulation etc. Ive deep down known that something hasnt been right for a while, and sort of feel a bit relieved to know what it is now.

fingers crossed to Mr Charlie :luck:

Has anyone else got experience with this?

Im already searching for new treatments, ive found on in france so looks like in spring we might hit the road! :- "



hi really sorry to hear about charlie :wub:

lots of :luck: to him and :huggles: to you,x
Sorry to read about Charlie. :luck: :luck: Lots of luck - hope you find something to help him :thumbsup:
So sorry you have had this news - but don't despair!! There are lots of treatments that can be tried now and although you will be limited to what he can do, I bet you will find something that you can use to keep him comfortable in light work. My friends horse has Navicular and although he has his bad days, most of the time he is fine and he was diagnosed three years ago!! What treatment has your vet put him on? Have you tried CortaVet? What about Synqaquin, its very expensive but my boy who had degenerative joint disease in his coffin joints was on this.

I know it is horrible when you have this sort of thing diagnosed, but it just makes them more precious to you and you will enjoy the times you do have with him now even more :huggles: Don't get down. My boy was diagnosed with his DJD last spring, his was very bad and he had to be retired at that point. I lost him very suddenly last Christmas due to a heart disease that he developed, not the DJD. Just enjoy the time you have with him, you may have many years yet :thumbsup:
So sorry to hear about Charlie but he will have a useful life with treatment

:luck: :luck:

Im sorry to hear the news about Charlie too....he looks such a sweetie.. :wub: I hope you can find some treatment that does him some good, and he goes on for a lot more years yet... :huggles: :luck: :huggles:
thanks everyone, was really down earlier.

had a lil cuddle with him this evening :huggles:
Oh I am so sorry, poor Charlie and poor you !!! :huggles: :huggles: I don`t know anything about horsey ailments but if I learn anything, I`ll let you know. Good luck, both of you.
So sorry to hear about Charlie.

I remember vaguely many years ago working at a riding school where one of the hunter liveries was diagnosed as having navicular. At the time there was not really any treatment only bute but Bob was given bute during the winter and had a reduced amount of bute in the summer when he was not worked I do know he went on to spend many happy years hunting

Good luck
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im sorry to hear about charlie :huggles:

good luck with him :luck: :luck:
We had a Quarter Horse mare a few years ago who had navicular,she had corrective trimming done by our farrier and had heart bar shoes fitted,she was also on Isoxsoprine to improve the blood flow to the hoof and an anti-inflammatory,she also attended hydrotherapy and was on supplements too and we found that she did very well on this combination and raised a few beautiful foals as well as being in light work (though our farrier told us that he had quite a few as customers who were still competing with their horses who had depends on the horse and the extent of the disease).There is also surgery available it is a kind of "denerving" and is done on both front feet,where they cut or desensitise the nerves to the back of the hoof but I believe it is done as a last resort.There are many supplements available and some work better for some horses than others,so just try a few and see which is best for you and Charlie.

The Hydrotherapy was excellent! It might be worth a try? :thumbsup:

Good luck whatever you opt for. :luck: :luck:
im so sorry to hear about charlie :( but i have worked with a few horses with navicular who have lead happy normal lives for many years :thumbsup:

i also know that there is a lot more treatment now then ever before, so lots of :huggles: to you and please keep us informed. he looks a lovely horse :wub:
melanie said:
im so sorry to hear about charlie :(   but i  have worked with a few horses with navicular who have lead happy normal lives for many years  :thumbsup: i also know that there is a lot more treatment now then ever before, so lots of  :huggles:   to you and please keep us informed.  he looks a lovely horse :wub:

So sorry to hear this but don't despair :)

You may be able to keep him going for years to come ...... corrective shoeing, bute substitutes, lessening concussion by working on soft surfaces etc.

My sister's horse had navicular and kept on hacking out for years!

One of mine also developed navicular over a period of a couple of years. Sometimes she was a bit 'footy' and other times she was completely sound. Ultimately she only showed lameness on a circle but at the age of 21 it was fairer to PTS as she loved her jumping and hunting and did not enjoy staying in a field :(

Good luck to you and Charlie :luck: :luck: Give him a hug and a carrot from me :huggles: :thumbsup:
thanks for all your lovely cooments, :)) luckily seem to have caught it early on so i should be able to make him have it as easy as poss, he's still jumping etc ok, but lets me know when he dosnt want to do anymore.

might try the hydrotherpy ... but he hates water lol!
Oh dear poor you and poor Charlie. At least you have caught it early so can make him comfortable. As has been said there are lots of new treatments out there so lots of luck with those and keep us informed. :luck:
so sorry to hear this, i had one who continued jumping etc and was helped by corrective and supportive shoeing with a supplement and a product called "no bute", im certain i heard or read that devils claw is good for these cases too? good luck to you both :huggles:
no advice :( but i hope charlie still spends many happy years with you :huggles: :luck: :huggles:
I once had a horse with bad navicular who had a desmotomy (ligaments surgically cut to release the navicular bone I think).

He lead a long and active life and finally died of old age rather than the navicular.

I hope Charlie responds to his current regime and improves very soon

Good luck with him. :luck:
