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Navel Piercing


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i want to have my belly button pierced next week after my birthday, i cant realy have it done before becausei start my new job this week and we have got to set the shop up and i expect it will involve alot of bending and stuff which i expect would be very uncomfortable!

Ive wanted it done for about 4/5 years now but my mum said no last time i asked her so i was going to have it done for my 16th because i didnt need her concent but i wasnt brave enough but ive decided i deffinatly want it done now but im still scared to death :wacko: im terrified of pain and i hate needles!

Anyone got any words of wisdom to share to make me feel better (or worse :p )

Thanks Amy xx
xxxamyxxx said:
i want to have my belly button pierced next week after my birthday, i cant realy have it done before becausei start my new job this week and we have got to set the shop up and i expect it will involve alot of bending and stuff which i expect would be very uncomfortable!

Ive wanted it done for about 4/5 years now but my mum said no last time i asked her so i was going to have it done for my 16th because i didnt need her concent  but i wasnt brave enough but ive decided i deffinatly want it done now but im still scared to death :wacko:   im terrified of pain and i hate needles!

Anyone got any words of wisdom to share to make me feel better (or worse :p )

Thanks  Amy xx

I hate needles with a passion BUT i can promise you it doesnt hurt one bit :- "

All you feel is a slight pinch, not even anything to make you say OW :sweating: & its over & done with.

I would say having your ears peirced is more painful. :eek:

Its a little sore for 48 hours but nothing major, after that you forget its even there.

So be brave, you honestly wont feel a thing, go for it :thumbsup:

Good luck :luck:
i was told by loads of people about getting tattoos done most said it hurt etc and they never had any..i had a prince albert done.. :b it really aint that bad go for it. :luck:
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It doesnt hurt - honest. Just make sure you wear a low waist band for a few days and get some savlon spray

Dont fiddle with it too much tho I couldnt leave mine alone and kept loosing it - I gave up in the end (after I'd lost it at work when I was on the factory floor and ruined the 'sterile' environment (w00t) :clown:
:sweating: Youre braver than me! :x but then the last place Id want to draw attention to is my belly :- " :lol:
i would have to find mine first, its been years since ive seen it (w00t)
lol if it hurts im holding you guys personally responsible lol :D which savalon sprat is best the wound wash or the dry spray?
Here's my few wise words on piercings (and I have a few Amy)

take 2 ibuprofen about half hour before you go - it helps to keep the swelling down after (which will rub on your clothes on the way home)

absolutely no alcohol beforehand - not even if you think a wee one will give you courage - it will thin your blood and make you bleed more

when you're sitting in the chair, concentrate on making as much saliva in your mouth as you can. This works by short circuiting one of your body's fear & pain responses. When you get scared or are in pain, your mouth dries up - if you make your mouth wet it fools your brain into thinking everything must be ok..........try it, it really does help

count it through - even my most lengthy piercing only took 5 seconds to complete (that's needle through, canula through and jewellary in) The one you want will be quicker than that but its much less nerve wracking if you know 5 will be the highest number you will get to

and finally

when its done


do not fiddle, do not twiddle - just a splash from the shower is all it needs and if it does look like its in danger of getting infected, boiled water with just a bit of salt in it is your best option.

good luck - piercings are great, i'm sure you'll love it
wild whippies said:
gutsey said:
i had a prince albert done.. :b   it really aint that bad go for it. :luck:
I think Gutsey's braver than anyone!! (w00t) :sweating:

ill second that! (w00t) that certainly puts my belly into perspective!lol :p

Thanks for the tips i never would have thought about the ibuprofen and ive never heard the saliva tip before

thank xxxx
we sell lots of body jewellery and in the last year or two ive noticed a rise in more unusual body piercings.nipples,prince alberts and weve been selling lots of flesh tunnels and expanders.we get a lot of unusual ones from indonesia and thailand. :thumbsup: a lot of the ones available here are pretty boring. -_- weve been selling a lot of tongue bars too, this last couple of years thats been very popular,i dont think anyone thinks anything of belly piercings these days its the norm. :D
Better to have a bar than a ring initially. A ring bends back and can rub more and distort the piercing and is more prone to infection.
littlenell said:
:sweating:   Youre braver than me! :x but then the last place Id want to draw attention to is my belly  :- "  :lol:

Thats exactly what I was thinking (w00t) :lol:
my daughter had it done a few years ago now and she as a needle phobia,i went with her to make sure she was ok.

it was very quick the procedure,and she said it was ok and would do it again,the only pain she got was rom me holding her hand too tight :b

you will be fine amy :thumbsup:
I had it done 13 years ago and it took ages and ages to heal - I had a ring but would recommend a bar instead I think. Don't remember it being partculaly painful at all - good luck :D
my daughter also took 3 years to pluck up the courage (w00t)

she is THE BIGGEST WHIMP EVER when it comes to needles and pain :lol:

she had hers done 2 years ago now and said she never felt a thing , it healed lovely and she has never looked back :thumbsup:

great advice on here , best bit is no fiddling with it :D

good luck , go for it , you will be fine :thumbsup: :luck:
im not really much help, i went for mine doing at 15 and fainted :teehee: dont think it hurt just i wound myself up so much thinking it was going to

i also fainted when i had my first tattoo :- " managed to get through the second one but still fint at the dentist so think its just me whos a wimp with things like
I got mine done bout 11 weeks ago, and i didn't even realise shed done it! i was still laid on the bed n she sed are you alright? i was like yep just do it, she sed i have!! ive had no probs at all with it, n they gave me some stuff to put on it was lavander and smelt lovely. The only thing i have found is that when u change it the new bars never seem to be as long as the one they pierced it with so it feels like its stretching the hole? anyone else found this?
You probably already have other piercings, i.e. ears etc. But be careful with any piercings as to what you use [ie metals] as I have had an allergy to base metals anywhere against my skin since having my ears pierced years ago. This wasn't due to the actual piercing but to waering cheap earings sometimes. I now can only wear gold, even silver gives a reaction. I can't wear a watch with metal clasps, can't wear pendants or necklaces unless gold, bra fasteners and the studs on jeans irritate and it is a damned nuisance.

Just a warning
