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Nationals On Sunday.


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So looking forward to coming to the Nationals this weekend, - our first visit to Weyhill believe it or not. We'd arranged dog-sitting for the other two and then what do I go and do this morning, - break my right arm! (Dog related of course!) We had a horrible 40min. walk back to the car from the furthest point of the common, kept having to stop and sit down feeling sick / faint. Luckily Rob was with me. We had to drop the dogs off before going on to the hospital for X- rays etc. In total it was four and a half hours till we got back home and I could take some pain killers! Nasty fracture, jagged bit sticking out which even I could see on the X ray. I have a plaster cast on for now but have to go back on Tuesday to have it re-set. Now I just don't know if we will be able to make it on Sunday or not, or whether we could manage. Will have to see how I get on tomorrow and Saturday. Am trying to type with one finger, not very good at it. Pretty fed up! :(
So looking forward to coming to the Nationals this weekend, - our first visit to Weyhill believe it or not. We'd arranged dog-sitting for the other two and then what do I go and do this morning, - break my right arm! (Dog related of course!) We had a horrible 40min. walk back to the car from the furthest point of the common, kept having to stop and sit down feeling sick / faint. Luckily Rob was with me. We had to drop the dogs off before going on to the hospital for X- rays etc. In total it was four and a half hours till we got back home and I could take some pain killers! Nasty fracture, jagged bit sticking out which even I could see on the X ray. I have a plaster cast on for now but have to go back on Tuesday to have it re-set. Now I just don't know if we will be able to make it on Sunday or not, or whether we could manage. Will have to see how I get on tomorrow and Saturday. Am trying to type with one finger, not very good at it. Pretty fed up! :(
Kay (w00t) You didn't fall over one of the dogs did you? You must have been in agony and having to walk with it. OUCH!

I was really looking forwards to seeing you both. If you can make it then we'll help you out. We are in a different group. I'm sure that we can sort something out.

Take care.
Kay, so sorry to hear this :( , it must have been very painful, hope you on the mend soon :luck: .
Poor you Kay. Hope you feel better soon, that must have been a nasty shock. Bet you feel tons better by Sunday (xx)
Oh dear... poor you Kay. I'm SO sorry, was really looking forward to seeing you both. You must have been in agony, hope you feel tons better very soon and mend really quickly. lots of love Gilly
Thanks for the good wishes folks, - and thanks for offering to help Barbara, will see how I get on and if there's any possibility of us getting over.

How did it happen? Well, a loose dog came rushing out at us from the bushes, Macy was on the lead but she panicked and dived off behind me twisting my arm right back till something went 'snap!' (To my credit I did manage to keep hold of the lead!) All I can say is that it was VERY painful!! Apparently it's called a coil fracture, where the bone is twisted backwards till it breaks. Anyway, at least it was me and not the dog!
Thanks for the good wishes folks, - and thanks for offering to help Barbara, will see how I get on and if there's any possibility of us getting over.How did it happen? Well, a loose dog came rushing out at us from the bushes, Macy was on the lead but she panicked and dived off behind me twisting my arm right back till something went 'snap!' (To my credit I did manage to keep hold of the lead!) All I can say is that it was VERY painful!! Apparently it's called a coil fracture, where the bone is twisted backwards till it breaks. Anyway, at least it was me and not the dog!
OUCH! Kay, you poor thing, i hope you're feeling a lot less painful now and i hope you can make it on sunday, thinking of you xx
Thanks for the good wishes folks, - and thanks for offering to help Barbara, will see how I get on and if there's any possibility of us getting over.How did it happen? Well, a loose dog came rushing out at us from the bushes, Macy was on the lead but she panicked and dived off behind me twisting my arm right back till something went 'snap!' (To my credit I did manage to keep hold of the lead!) All I can say is that it was VERY painful!! Apparently it's called a coil fracture, where the bone is twisted backwards till it breaks. Anyway, at least it was me and not the dog!

Aaargh! That sounds horrible. Hope that you are out of pain now.
Oh Kay, you poor thing. Well done for keeping hold of Macy - just shows how adrenaline takes over, and your natural instinct to hold on tight to her also.

I do hope you can make the Nationals on Sunday, Macy is running so well at the moment, and must be in with a good chance of a final place, and maybe a win :thumbsup:

We will be thinking of you :huggles: and I'm sure there will be lots of people happy to help. We won't be there this time, but any other time we will help all we can.

Look after yourself xxx
You poor thing Kay sounds really painful... We will be there Sunday.. both Belle and Tia are in light weight groups so we will be free to help Rob all you need to do is sit and watch. xxxxx
Thanks Dave and Lynne and everyone else for your kind offers of help and pm's, - they are really appreciated.

Still quite painful today but taking the tablets and hoping that once the swelling goes down it will ease up a bit. I have now regressed to 5yr.old status where I need my shoe laces tying and my food all cut up for me, - good job I have a personal assistant!

Would love to come on Sunday and am so grateful to you lovely people for all your good wishes and offers of help, - will just have to see if I feel up to the journey by tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I could get Macy down to the traps, but would certainly need some help putting her in, - as anyone who's seen her by the traps will understand! Thanks so much again. :thumbsup:
Thanks Dave and Lynne and everyone else for your kind offers of help and pm's, - they are really appreciated.Still quite painful today but taking the tablets and hoping that once the swelling goes down it will ease up a bit. I have now regressed to 5yr.old status where I need my shoe laces tying and my food all cut up for me, - good job I have a personal assistant!

Would love to come on Sunday and am so grateful to you lovely people for all your good wishes and offers of help, - will just have to see if I feel up to the journey by tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I could get Macy down to the traps, but would certainly need some help putting her in, - as anyone who's seen her by the traps will understand! Thanks so much again. :thumbsup:
Hope you can make it Kay. It sounds a nasty #. Still, if you need physio, I will be on hand!!

Stop oh dearing.

We want to see you. We can sort out the running of Macey. Trust us we can sort it! AND Lesley has promised her professional help (which I think is a first btw)

As long as you can travel pain free we want to see you and Rob it's simple.
Think we will be able to make it! Looking forward to seeing you all! :))
Hope you are on the mend soon Kay :luck:

Good :luck: to all the dogs racing tomorrow!