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Nastiness At End Of Racing?


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Hi everyone

- I don't know if there is anything you can suggest that might improve Rowan's behaviour at the end of his races

- he's got quite nasty with some of the dogs he's raced recently - I don't want to upset anyone :(

be great to hear your thoughts, thank you :b
Just one suggestion goodgal, i know it's not always possible but if your not slipping him, make sure you are at the finish to grab him, or discipline him before he as chance to attack the other dog. :thumbsup: he's a gorgeous dog, good luck. :thumbsup: di

Ps. Is this Rowan who ran in the coursing and racing at the Worcester Show recently? i don't want to get another Rowan in trouble. :lol:
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Just one suggestion goodgal, i know it's not always possible but if your not slipping him, make sure you are at the finish to grab him, or discipline him before he as chance to attack the other dog. :thumbsup: he's a gorgeous dog, good luck. :thumbsup: di
Ps. Is this Rowan who ran in the coursing and racing at the Worcester Show recently? i don't want to get another Rowan in trouble. :lol:
Thanks Di

yes that's the one! I thought it was cos he'd done too much lead walking in the run up to that show (busted stopper pads) - but now I'm not sure - and now he's done a stopper pad again! :angry: :angry:

I think the other half is going to have to be around if we're gonna race - he'll love that!

Appreciate your advice - thanks again!

should be banned from the racing, you admit you have a problem.

how would you like your dog being attacked,
should be banned from the racing, you admit you have a would you like your dog being attacked,
di has given you some good idea's i would put some food on the end of the lure and make sure she/he is lure crazy, so when it comes to racing the lure is the only thing thats of interest, agression and fighting if thats what you call it at the end of the race is seen quite a lot yours is not the only dog doing it, majority do it because the hype of waiting then racing, yours can be helped as long as it not doing throught the racing, there are many organisers that would help you with trialing after the racing is finished, the above comment is not very helpful at all, so what would you do if yours was the have ago at another dog on the way back, stop racing it
It's a difficult one to approach as none of us have control of the dogs whilst they're running.

I was very upset on Sunday at the Lambo Show because Cait was running in her first adult race and one of the other dogs literally ran her off the track, rolled her over and was going for her with real intent :rant:

The other dog was disqualified and I was told that it is known for being nasty so I have to ask, why was it running?

My Cait is not the bravest of dogs and, as a dog who is literally only just over a year old (by 5 days), she certainly doesn't need to have a bad experience like that on her first run :eek:

She ran another two races after that and in the next one she was obviously worried about another dog (who is perfectly safe) which was running upsides her and she turned to look at it but luckily she ran on. In her third run, she ran well but it remains to be seen if she will run happily next weekend :(

I'm like you, Sheona, and I'd feel really bad if my dog was turning it's head or fighting over the lure and I'd want to sort it out. Di's suggestions sound good and I wish I had some ideas to suggest too so that I could be some help.

Hope you can get Rowan back to his happy self again :thumbsup:
Thanks Debbie and Jane AND New to lurchers - yes you're right I don't like it if Rowan gets attacked and he has been - which may have affected the way he is now.

He is very lure focussed and seems to be defending the lure you know - get off it's mine! more than anything but yep we'll try to re- educate him and if we can't it'll be showing only in future :unsure:

Hope Cait forgets the bully soon - sure she will!
Hi Sheona

This would be my idea, maybe worth a try....

I would race Rowan by himself without a muzzle a few times, getting him killing the lure and hopefully stopping on the lure until you got it off him. This would mean having someone else slipping him and getting him use to being caught at the end. This would mean no fighting on the way back - hopefully :sweating:

Also you could try a harness what people use to stop pulling/straining. This would mean having a few more places to grag rather than a small collar to ensure that he is back on the lead as soon as its safe to get at him off the lure.

Good luck :luck:

hya hun Our Pagan was/is like that we are trying blinkers on at the moment ( liter plastic bottle cut down to fit the muzzle and cotted in duck tape)

so he can only see in frunt of him not to the side. it is working but its a slow prossess .He IS getting better and are hopeing to cut them down soon.

he started getting agerssive when he was yonger when he was attacted by an older dog who was known to be agressive whilst racing.

Not good for young dogs to have this expereance.

with the blinkers you do get some coments but ignor them. I tell them its his easter bonite and decorate it with stickers (w00t)
should be banned from the racing, you admit you have a would you like your dog being attacked,
di has given you some good idea's i would put some food on the end of the lure and make sure she/he is lure crazy, so when it comes to racing the lure is the only thing thats of interest, agression and fighting if thats what you call it at the end of the race is seen quite a lot yours is not the only dog doing it, majority do it because the hype of waiting then racing, yours can be helped as long as it not doing throught the racing, there are many organisers that would help you with trialing after the racing is finished, the above comment is not very helpful at all, so what would you do if yours was the have ago at another dog on the way back, stop racing it

I aggrea Debbie not help full at all.

hows you hun and the gourgurse Mosa :wub: :wub: :wub:
Goodgal have you thought about trying a citronella spray collar, it won't hurt him, get a good friend who doesn't mind you running Rowan with their dog, stand at the finish and when he's very first goes to attack, press the button and it released a small puff of air, (citronella flavour) just under the neck, it shocks the dog and he forgets about the attack, (w00t) (I'm not explaining this very well) the shock is not electric, :lol: just a shock reaction, :eek: ( I'll put it another way, if you were sunbathing on a hot day with your eye's closed, (w00t) and some one poured a glass of ice cold water over you, :b you would be shocked and probably bloody angry too,) :lol: but it must be done the very split second you see him going to attack after the lure stops.


Ramble over, good luck. :thumbsup: di
Goodgal have you thought about trying a citronella spray collar, it won't hurt him, get a good friend who doesn't mind you running Rowan with their dog, stand at the finish and when he's very first goes to attack, press the button and it released a small puff of air, (citronella flavour) just under the neck, it shocks the dog and he forgets about the attack, (w00t) (I'm not explaining this very well) the shock is not electric, :lol: just a shock reaction, :eek: ( I'll put it another way, if you were sunbathing on a hot day with your eye's closed, (w00t) and some one poured a glass of ice cold water over you, :b you would be shocked and probably bloody angry too,) :lol: but it must be done the very split second you see him going to attack after the lure stops.  

Ramble over, good luck. :thumbsup: di
Not sure about the use of Citronella in dog training.

A dog should associate "bad" behaviour with the"punishment", when it returns to "good" behaviour it should have the punishment stopped immediately.

The problem with Citronella sprays being used as a "punishment" is that they affect the dog long after it has returned to "good" behaviour.

Ironically the electric shock collars that everyone seems to want banned give instant "punishment" which is stopped immediately the dog returns to "good" behaviour.

There is quite a debate in the gundog training world about this, with many trainers believing Citronella to be crueller than the electric collars and not liking it because the spray carries on upsetting the dog long after it has started behaving again thereby confusing the dog as to why it is still being punished.

There you go Di, that's my ramble and rant over!!

Gabbitas+fitchet :- could your idea possibly stop the dog finishing his race knowing he was about to be zapped and not knowing why hes been zapped?
Gabbitas+fitchet :- could your idea possibly stop the dog finishing his race knowing he was about to be zapped and not knowing why hes been zapped?
I wasn't promoting the use of either method in relation to this dogs problem.

I was rather hoping to make people reconsider the use of Citronella for any dog behaviour problems.

Sorry for any confusion :b
Hi Sheona, this is just a thought, knowing that he was unwell a few months ago & having seen a totally different Rowan at Worcester it might be worth getting him checked out physically to rule out any under lying problem :thumbsup:
Goodgal have you thought about trying a citronella spray collar, it won't hurt him, get a good friend who doesn't mind you running Rowan with their dog, stand at the finish and when he's very first goes to attack, press the button and it released a small puff of air, (citronella flavour) just under the neck, it shocks the dog and he forgets about the attack, (w00t) (I'm not explaining this very well) the shock is not electric, :lol: just a shock reaction, :eek: ( I'll put it another way, if you were sunbathing on a hot day with your eye's closed, (w00t) and some one poured a glass of ice cold water over you, :b you would be shocked and probably bloody angry too,) :lol: but it must be done the very split second you see him going to attack after the lure stops.  

Ramble over, good luck. :thumbsup: di
Not sure about the use of Citronella in dog training.

A dog should associate "bad" behaviour with the"punishment", when it returns to "good" behaviour it should have the punishment stopped immediately.

The problem with Citronella sprays being used as a "punishment" is that they affect the dog long after it has returned to "good" behaviour.

Ironically the electric shock collars that everyone seems to want banned give instant "punishment" which is stopped immediately the dog returns to "good" behaviour.

There is quite a debate in the gundog training world about this, with many trainers believing Citronella to be crueller than the electric collars and not liking it because the spray carries on upsetting the dog long after it has started behaving again thereby confusing the dog as to why it is still being punished.

There you go Di, that's my ramble and rant over!!


Hi Sheona, this is just a thought, knowing that he was unwell a few months ago & having seen a totally different Rowan at Worcester it might be worth getting him checked out physically to rule out any under lying problem :thumbsup:
I totally agree with both these points. Woody is right - the electric shock is quick and then over where as citronella will linger on the end of their nose for quite some time - the dogs will soon learn that the bad thing he is doing will result in a not very nice feeling.

It will not stop him running as you are still letting him chase the lure - if you run him a couple of times on his own and dont shock him and then run him with another dog and shock him as soon as he turns to attack, if he does go to attack that is....he will associate the attack with a shock.

I would certainly get him checked out first before you try any training method and get the all clear from the vet (perferably a running dog specalist).

All lurchers tent to have a little confrontation with each other at the end of the race over the lure - they are hunting animals that will protect their catch....and this is what they are doing with the lure, just watch he dont start turning his head in the racing.
Goodgal have you thought about trying a citronella spray collar, it won't hurt him, get a good friend who doesn't mind you running Rowan with their dog, stand at the finish and when he's very first goes to attack, press the button and it released a small puff of air, (citronella flavour) just under the neck, it shocks the dog and he forgets about the attack, (w00t) (I'm not explaining this very well) the shock is not electric, :lol: just a shock reaction, :eek: ( I'll put it another way, if you were sunbathing on a hot day with your eye's closed, (w00t) and some one poured a glass of ice cold water over you, :b you would be shocked and probably bloody angry too,) :lol: but it must be done the very split second you see him going to attack after the lure stops.  

Ramble over, good luck. :thumbsup: di
Not sure about the use of Citronella in dog training.

A dog should associate "bad" behaviour with the"punishment", when it returns to "good" behaviour it should have the punishment stopped immediately.

The problem with Citronella sprays being used as a "punishment" is that they affect the dog long after it has returned to "good" behaviour.

Ironically the electric shock collars that everyone seems to want banned give instant "punishment" which is stopped immediately the dog returns to "good" behaviour.

There is quite a debate in the gundog training world about this, with many trainers believing Citronella to be crueller than the electric collars and not liking it because the spray carries on upsetting the dog long after it has started behaving again thereby confusing the dog as to why it is still being punished.

There you go Di, that's my ramble and rant over!!

I didn't realise Citronella was bad for dogs Woody, :thumbsup: i only suggested it because someone i know used it on her Doberman to stop him attacking other dogs, it worked well for her, (but she was a good dog woman), i don't think anyone should try these collars unless they really know how to use them properly. :thumbsup:


I didn't want to suggest the electric shock collar because some don't understand how it works and should be used properly in the right hands,. my suggestion was just a way that Goodgal could discipline Rowan from a short distance by remote,. :thumbsup: end off topic for me, Good Luck with Rowan. :thumbsup: di


PS, I would like to add, (I've never had to use a collar on any of my dogs). :thumbsup:
Goodgal have you thought about trying a citronella spray collar, it won't hurt him, get a good friend who doesn't mind you running Rowan with their dog, stand at the finish and when he's very first goes to attack, press the button and it released a small puff of air, (citronella flavour) just under the neck, it shocks the dog and he forgets about the attack, (w00t) (I'm not explaining this very well) the shock is not electric, :lol: just a shock reaction, :eek: ( I'll put it another way, if you were sunbathing on a hot day with your eye's closed, (w00t) and some one poured a glass of ice cold water over you, :b you would be shocked and probably bloody angry too,) :lol: but it must be done the very split second you see him going to attack after the lure stops.  

Ramble over, good luck. :thumbsup: di
Not sure about the use of Citronella in dog training.

A dog should associate "bad" behaviour with the"punishment", when it returns to "good" behaviour it should have the punishment stopped immediately.

The problem with Citronella sprays being used as a "punishment" is that they affect the dog long after it has returned to "good" behaviour.

Ironically the electric shock collars that everyone seems to want banned give instant "punishment" which is stopped immediately the dog returns to "good" behaviour.

There is quite a debate in the gundog training world about this, with many trainers believing Citronella to be crueller than the electric collars and not liking it because the spray carries on upsetting the dog long after it has started behaving again thereby confusing the dog as to why it is still being punished.

There you go Di, that's my ramble and rant over!!


Hi Sheona, this is just a thought, knowing that he was unwell a few months ago & having seen a totally different Rowan at Worcester it might be worth getting him checked out physically to rule out any under lying problem :thumbsup:
I totally agree with both these points. Woody is right - the electric shock is quick and then over where as citronella will linger on the end of their nose for quite some time - the dogs will soon learn that the bad thing he is doing will result in a not very nice feeling.

It will not stop him running as you are still letting him chase the lure - if you run him a couple of times on his own and dont shock him and then run him with another dog and shock him as soon as he turns to attack, if he does go to attack that is....he will associate the attack with a shock.

I would certainly get him checked out first before you try any training method and get the all clear from the vet (perferably a running dog specalist).

All lurchers tent to have a little confrontation with each other at the end of the race over the lure - they are hunting animals that will protect their catch....and this is what they are doing with the lure, just watch he dont start turning his head in the racing.

You put so well Maggi, just what i was trying to say. :thumbsup: di
The spray type collars are not all citronella - a plain one can be got as well that gives the spray and the noise but without the lemon taste. Timing is everything when using them. :luck:
The spray type collars are not all citronella - a plain one can be got as well that gives the spray and the noise but without the lemon taste. Timing is everything when using them. :luck:
That's what i mean, it should only be used by a person who knows what they are doing, in the wrong hands you can f***k a dog up.

The color my friend used was a combination of both, Just air for the first squirt and then Citronella if the animal didn't react to the first one. :blink:

Wasn't going to comment on this one again, :)) but because of Rowans problem I've learnt something on this site, so it can't be all bad, (don't use citronella). :thumbsup: di