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Nan To Be


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Where do i begin i ask myself?....

Well on Thursay i was told i was to be a nan :eek: ( which being a mother i suspected my lads girlfriend was pregnant a few weeks ago but it was dismissed, )She went to the doctor thursday where it was confirmed shes pregnant & then she went for a scan yesterday to confirm how far pregnant she is..... It turns out shes 37 weeks pregnant :- " .... Im to be a nan in a matter of a couple of weeks time, theres me thinking we'll have time to go & buy the essential bits but its a rush now to get everything in order... Im still in total shock tbh...

My youngest is nearly 6 years old & its amazing how quick things change, i went shopping to buy babygrows, vests, little cardigans etc & i cant find cardigans anywhere, do they still wear cardies or am i living in the past?
(w00t) wow congratulations :cheers: iv told my two boys they'd better not make me a nan till im 50 thats another 14yrs to go (w00t)
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Wow, you must all be in shock!! (w00t)

Very exciting though, hope everything works out well :luck: :luck:
congtraulations :D

have you tried mothercare?

i bought 3 lovely white cardigans in there a few weeks ago for my friends baby :D
Blimey, 37 weeks :eek: :sweating: :wacko:

Best of luck with everything :luck:
you just cannot put into words just how great it feels to be a nan. I was there when my grandson was born, he's 2 now, and its unbelievable. I cant wait for my other daughters to start. Just buy what you like the look of cos its never what the new parents like. I bought/made lots of blankets only to be told that 'baby shouldnt get too hot' - it was January!! Good luck
