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Naming Rites


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It only happens every 6 years or so, but it’s been name choosing time again for me. Racing name that is. For Billy, my now 16 month old puppy.

Long time readers/posters may remember that I have previously always tried to be a bit of a wordsmith in this regard and tried all sorts of convoluted ways to incorporate a dogs ancestors in some way. Well I had kind of decided in advance that I wanted something simpler this time, a single word, recognisable as such (and cheaper to get engraved on a trophy – if lucky enough!)

Well here are some that didn’t make it …..

Before I even got him home, I was thinking – Billy the Quid – then I found out that prices have gone up a bit and the Billy the Thousand Quid didn’t have the same ring (although he didn’t cost a grand!) Then with the death of Paul the Octopus, I thought, why not Billy the Squid? Too fishy maybe!

First and original choice was Blackmail – then I noticed Savernake Blackmail and went off the idea.

A jokey one which was fun, but never going to make it was ….. Telephone Bill – based apart from the pun, on the fact that my Hattie had a racing brother called Telegram Sam!

Billy’s puppy name was Cool Jay, and Garry’s Tarot was possibly going to be Tarotino, so I thought, why not Chill Bill. (not vol 1 or 2 though!)

Kaiser Bill was mooted, mainly because of my surname (not because I was born during the first world war!) Despite Garry and Ray Pond’s best efforts, I rejected this one too!

I thought I had it with Terra Bill as his dad is Terraquin, but then decided it was a terrabil name and went off the idea.

I had joked about calling him Striker – and he has actually club raced as both Ian’s Striker, and Striker Bill!

Other ideas were Billionaire, Highwayman and Billycan

Next up and actually making it on to the passport applications was Blackmayle

This was rejected by the WCRA and as I wanted the same name for both organisations, I had to think again.

I know people say their whippets are thieves – and in fact I have Hatt Outta Belle in my signature helping herself from an open bag of mixer, but she wasn’t really a thief.

Billy, however ………….... whenever I can’t find something – I now look first in his bed. Invariably it’s there, sometimes chewed, sometimes just “buried”. Amongst the lost and discovered chewed items are – a trainer, a slipper, several CD’s, one DVD, a pen and £50 in notes (thankfully NOT chewed, as I noticed them in time!) There was also half a box of Cadbury’s Heroes – although I’m pretty sure he had help with those!

So as a thief – his racing name is to be Raffles. And I’m hoping to win a few raffles as well!

I realise that there have been others of this name in the past, but I like the name, and Billy is the new thief on the block :)

Thank goodness it’s over for another 6 years!
Like it.....i have half brother edward. i would have fancied kiazer bill :thumbsup:
Like the name Earnie Ruffles should have called one of his dogs that good luck with him look forward to seeing you soon