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Nail Split


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Hi all,

well on our daily walk Chance split her front nail, it was bleeding quite a bit so we came home, the split is only a little down the nail (from the front of the nail to just on the quick, it's not all the way through just the underneath), :unsure:

I bathed it in salt water (for infection reasons) and stopped the bleeding,

she's walking fine on it and is not in pain, I will continue to keep the nail clean, and not take her out for a couple of days also (should this be ok?).

is there anything else that I can do?
hi ya, oh that sounds nasty :eek: everything your doing is what i would but i would also use cut n heal, its a spray but it is great for healing wee cuts and stuff, salt and water is great though aswell.
Thanks Miss, never heard of that before but will deffo get some!

I have also just been told by Mark and Dawn to cut the nail to behind the split and use super glue or special nail glue on the nail, then rest for a couple of days

just to let everyone else know I put it here it might come in handy :thumbsup:

:cheers: Mark and Dawn, top tip!
Well if you do want to get cut n heal then ask your vet about it or go to your nearest saddlery as its used on horses aswell, it really is gret stuff for any type of wee cut :thumbsup: that about the nail glue sounds good never heard of doing that but i'll keep that in mind for future reference :thumbsup:
ooo sounds nasty Tina sorry no advice but I hope it heals up really quickly :luck: :luck: :luck:
Right I went to cut down Chance's nail this morning and with all the blood cleaned away I managed to get a good look,

half of the nail on the inside of it has totally gone, the quick is showing and it looks sore, I was unable to do nothing as she yelped when ever I touched it, she's still walking fine (not limping) and is running around the garden with Binx playing,

it's not causing her any trouble with walking and running but if you try and touch the nail she yelps, will this heal?

the nail is not split as I thought before now that I've had a really good look, just half of the inside had chipped off, anything I can do or do you have to just wait until the nail grows?
I'll share my secret nail recipe with you :lol: ;) ... Take a pint of lukewarm water and dissolve a teaspoon of salt in it. Dunk her entire foot in this solution a few times a day (especially after walks, etc). This is antiseptic, helps to draw out any gunk, and will also help the area to 'firm up' until the nail regrows over the sensitive quick :thumbsup:

If she's not limping it's probably nothing to worry about but nailbed infections can result if the area gets infected and these are (1) REALLY SORE! (2) take aaaaaaaaages to resolve and (3) as a result of taking ages to resolve they cost a fortune to treat! :luck:
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If you just happen to have any fucithalmic around then use that on the nail.

From experience (mine and others) it works really well for nail bed infections. It's an eye ointment which goes very runny on contact with the skin so is great for putting around the nail bed area as it gets into areas that aren't easy to reach. If you have some then I'd use it.

Other than that I'd use salt water as well.

I'm not sure that I'd seal a split nail as I'd be worried about sealing in a speck of dirt or something like that. It's why I don't use super glue on skin tears. But I know a lot of people who do with great success and lower vets bills. :thumbsup:
We had a similar problem with one of our lurchers 2 weeks ago. On the beach for a run, cut nail, never seen so much blood. Took her to the vet, out of hours, Saturday morning. Once the vet cleaned up and had a look, the cut/split nail was diagnosed. She prescribed anti biotics as an infection was a possibility, preceded by an antibiotic injection. We were told to keep it clean. The wound was dressed although the vet was happy for it not to be. 2 weeks on,healing very nicely, just got to deal now with the pad she cut yesterday! No end to it with this girl. For little nicks and cuts we use Cutheal aerosol and we have Trimmex blood stopper.

Good luck

Chris :)
Thanks for replying guys! :thumbsup:

Chance is doing fine (no limping) will do the salt water thingy though as I've always done this myself if the dogs have had little cuts,

thanks loads for the help! :huggles:

beejay never heard of fucithalmic before but it sounds as if it's worth getting Thanks, :cheers:
spray on some cut n heal about £9 a tin for a couple of days if you are sure there is no infection just put some new skin on it-why use super glue? would you use it on yourself? new skin can be bought from the chemists for a few quid.
>spray on some cut n heal about £9 a tin for a couple of days if you are sure there is no infection just put some new skin on it-why use super glue? would you use it on yourself? new skin can be bought from the chemists for a few quid.

After reading this rather pointed comment about my post I can see why so many people won't post on K9 anymore. :(
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:b ouch, doesnt superglue sting like mad?

There is a good medical skin replacement made by germolene that you paint on, it's clear. That stings like mad too, mind you :lol: :- "
»Tina« said:
Thanks for replying guys!  :thumbsup:
Chance is doing fine (no limping) will do the salt water thingy though as I've always done this myself if the dogs have had little cuts,

thanks loads for the help!  :huggles:

beejay never heard of fucithalmic before but it sounds as if it's worth getting Thanks,   :cheers:

Glad to hear that Chance is okay. I've pm'd you re fucithalmic.
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a huge thank you to all that have helped me with this :huggles:

BTW I have used super-glue on my hubby once he gashed his finger pretty bad and didn't want to goto the hospital, he didn't feel a thing!! (well so he said) :blink:

my son when small also had his head glued back together after a nasty radiator attacked him but that WAS in hospital though :)

p.s Chance is still running around like a loony and is not affected one bit by her broken nail, Beejay another top tip! Honey! great thanks :thumbsup:

Moto I would use super-glue on myself, and hubby would again and has done also!

but I understand what your saying, I just never knew about any kind of 'skin products' ever! before I've just read it here now!.
barbera-dont be so touchy!,i was not having a go at you for god sake,i was simply suggesting that maybe people would like to use new skin instead of super glue-if you can buy a product that does the same job as super glue but is meant for the purpose of patching up skin tears and small cuts etc rather than for sticking vases together i just thought many folk would rather use the more suitable product thats all-and there is another plus side to using new skin-if you get it on your fingers it will not stick them together (w00t) ,these forums are for advice and opinions and i gave mine as did you,i never had a go at you but i would not use super glue on myself or my dogs -this is my choice and i simply offered another alternative.

i am sure nothing in my post would stop others from posting,perhaps you were just a little sensitive as i am sure you will agree if people post on here not everone will agree with what is said,as happens in any conversations we all have opinions and we all have a different view of things-this is why people post questions after all-so they can get a range of opinions.

however if i did offend you i must say sorry as it was not my aim.
