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N.W.R.F. Bend derby.


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What are your tips for the bend derby held at warwick this weekend........ :p

erm :oops: had to edit cos i missed a w... out of warwick :b ( doin a fleesh lol) :D
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:p thses are a mixture of mine and peters tips as he was there last weekend here goes : no limit Cmon Sue

40lb Santa Cruz

36lb Trevors Chaser (peters pred) Showboat (my pred)

supreme scratch Cmon Sue

Overall dog The Builder (my pred)

overall bitch Just Right Tess (peters pred)

supreme overall The Builder

Other dogs peter thinks will do well : Wild Snowberry

Paloma (if she goes)

Ones Cushti Star

Lauranna (if she goes)

Veteran- has to Mad Mick Peter said it ran fantastic last week ran like a youngster.

Whats everyone elses? :cheers:
:lol: pat where are your predictions? :unsure:
40lb gypsy queen

no limit come on ernie

others i think will do well are trevors chaser


the builder


wild snowberry

vets:mad mick( unless he goes for 3 years in a row) :eek:
sorry sherry....... :oops: Not knowing what whippets are running well on the bends i didnt think it was right for me to guess but here goes... :p

according to last weeks results i would have to say:

Laurana if she goes.... :D

The builder as he seems to be running well at the moment.... :D

Mad Mick for vets :p

no limit (i dont know what will be running but have been told) come on ernie is running well. o:)

good luck to all ...... :thumbsup:
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Lol, I haven't had a look at many dogs running round this track yet so it's all a big guess for me. I'll just have to wait and see ...

:- "
No limit dead heat Come on sue come on ernie

40 lb santa cruz flying,,,, last week

36ld trevers chaser

Dogs the builder, Midnight Run, if it goes,

Bitches, Lauranna, Lacey venture,

Vets Mad Mick what a dog living legend

oh and southern scott is going to try this week, as i told him he wont be on the straights if he dosent try on the bends, i think he's smart enought to understand.


Pat you said you just did a fleesh, god knows what my posts must be like lol.
What you trying to say about my typing like ?? :rant:

:eek: :wacko: :blink: :unsure:

:- " lol
erm we may get deleted here lol, off topic, :oops: yeah I did a fleesh meaning she tells u when she edits her post lol and why?? :p bless her :- "
The predictions are interesting...but I did say last week that Silver Lady would win the yearlings and she did beat Refuse to Bend to win it too :D Which was impresive....

I personally hope Midnight Run is there, cos I reckon it's a great racer, and if you give that dog a run for its money your doing well...and that's what I want

Other than that...

The Builder, Trevors Chaser, Santa Cruz, and of of course Laruanna who won supreme last week..

hi paul midnight run is going i think that will win dogs : :) and lauranna bitches :) good luck to all those racing
;) Ooh that make a good race The Builder and Midnight Run another that would be a good race Lauranna and Hot Mouse. Yes they are all from the North thats coz i dont know many southern dogs. :p Imagine the above four all in a race together that would be one hell of a race. Good luck to everyone who enters anyway. :luck: :luck: :luck:
My puppy's second adult race :D (as an adult that is), her first time at Warwick too. She asks all those entering the 30-32lb class to go gentle on her she doesn't want to be left behind :( .

Lol poor baby try anything once :lol:
my predictions short spot and the builder

who ever wins alison has made the golden jacket...

and its absolutely beautiful, Ive never seen one as nice theres no stick on lettering it's all been embroidery, on her new embroidery machine
i predict that i am going to be bloody freezin i have just hopped off a plane back from glorious sun in tenirife so dint see any of the dogs last week so now i can say that my dog southern scott will win lol just cos i have come home and he dint want to win when i wasnt there last week so he let the other dogs win lol,

if he looses at least i can blame it on the high altitude affecting my brain haha

cant wait to be back racing though really looiking forward to it

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