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N.ireland Ireland Working Whippet Club

Martin Tucker

New Member
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Firstly, I would like to compliment Robert in his efforts in organising this meeting. It`s encouraging to see a new generation out there willing to try and put a show on and he was rewarded with a fine turn out.

However, if shows like this and all the others around the Country are to be a success, then they have to be better organised.

For the last couple of weeks i`ve been getting Ernie `ready` and really looking forward to what looked on paper, a promising day's sport as it turned out, in my opinion it was the same old same old that is served up every week throughout the Summer !

I was up at 6 am, got my jobs done and headed off with Gavin and Ernie at 8 o`clock. We made good time and THREE hours later we arrived at the venue.

Nearly two hours later, but only 45 minutes after the scheduled start time Coursing got under way. Now for the life of me why Robert wanted to errect an obstacle that Denman would have trouble clearing in the middle of the course is beyond me ! Now if there are `trained` whippets out there then fair enough, but dogs having their first run is not on ! First lesson hopefully learnt !

Lesson 2 is make sure your own equipment is up to scratch and not rely on other peoples !

Back to the coursing and all the dogs stopped, bemused, one went through a small gap, some fought and some made it around to the finish. The final was a little better even though the lure driving nearly handed it to the dog well behind in second place. Thankfully the best dog came through to win. I declined to run Ernie as it looked `dodgy` and dogs could posssible be hurt !

All set now for the racing ! Er no, we`re having the showing first ! ! Despite my protests as to why not continue with the planned racing and I had travelled a long way, my pleas fell on deaf ears and my entry fee was offered back to me if I wanted.

This is the same old `rubbish` served up at Game Shows throughout the Country and Robert told me that this is how it is done `up here` !

Come on Robert put your own `stamp` on your show and don`t follow the sad route adopted by others !

Nearly THREE hours later, racing got under way. Ernie won his heat and was the only one of the five to finish ! The second heat was a lot better and all the dogs finished. The final was a non contest as Ernie come home a distance clear.

Collected dog, into van, didn`t wait for a trophy and set off FIVE AND A HALF HOURS after we arrived on our THREE hour journey home !

The under 23` Racing was a much better spectacle and was competitive and well done to John and China, it must have been that lucky jacket you were wearing John !

A real missed oppertunity to put on a good show and i`m sure Robert will have gained valuable experience and I do hope he puts on another one in the future.

If racing is to move forward in Ulster in what ever category Whippets, Unders, Overs etc then put on a racing day where young or inexperience dogs can have a go in practice and learn what they are meant to do ! I`m lucky I have my own gallop and can run Ernie behind the drag any day I want.

The people who organise the racing at these show do it their way and it makes for standing around for hours watching some person decide your dog is better looking than mine. There is a place for showing dogs, but first and foremost these dogs are meant for RUNNING ! !

I have enjoyed meeting new friends at these show and running Ernie, but i`m afraid it will be the last time you see me Gavin or Ernie at them, as they are not what I was used to when racing back in England and they don`t interest me in their current format.

I wish everyone up North all the best for the new season and I look forward to hearing on K9 who is winning !

With all the young pups out there, a new start could be made for those of you who have an interest. If I didn`t live as far away I would certainly change it all around and bring new ideas and interest in what is a great sport.

Happy Racing !

Yours in Sport ,

Martin Tucker.
Thank goodness it didn't rain !!!


I can hear Robert scribbling away on his pad taking notes


I think that anyone organising events appreciates constructive criticism and will always feel that improvements can be made for the next one :))


As this was the very first event run by this club ( although a few hiccups) it sounds as if there is good potential for future events and would like to wish them all the best in keeping it going :thumbsup:


Tracey x
frist of all i would like to thank you martin for makeing the effort im sorry you feel that way and a lot of what you said i have took on board this club can only move forword if everyone tells me what they think and what are club can do to make it better i think the racing mybe one thing we can look at and mybe run it frist but the coursing thing i really dont see hi that could be dangors when coursing live game it do not run in a stright line it will turn all over the field to shake the dog of and it will not stay in the same field thats why the jump was put in i can only asume you do not work ernie that we course should of be a walk in the park for a working whippet and i most say the best dog won if you have any more ideas i would be glad to hear them as we want this club to work this is the frist show i have ran and im sure everyone could tell not every thing went smoothly ones againg im sorry you feel like this

Good to have constructive criticism? The problem with having the races early is that everyone clears off home after and the show ring becomes a damp squib. Perhaps have the showing first followed by the race, then that brings it own problems. Perhaps if, no; maybe we should, no; what if, no maybe not. If people would get off they're arses and offer assistance and ideas before the rabbit has bolted then we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I agree that there were hiccups on the day. That will always be the case when someone (that's Robert) decides to do something when the rest of us just sit around and talk about. We then just turn up, expect everything to be up to our expectations and criticise when it doesn't. This was a first effort by Robert and with the offer of your vast experience and a decent committee to veto maverick ideas the club will go on.

Come on guys don't be negative, offer your help and we can be the envy of the rest.

Well done Robert in taking my comments `on the chin` and I have no doubt Racing in the North will be better for your involvement.

My comments are only given so as to improve a great Sport that I started back in 1974 ! When my father bought me my first Whippet, it changed me for ever and my life took a different route, which has eventually led me to what I do now !

As regards everyone leaving after the Racing, I have been to many shows and when racing starts all the public are gone and your left with a handful of owners. We should be trying to `sell the product` to the public and show what fun these dogs can be !

As for your coursing Robert, your own whippet seems to `work` by your accounts and he seemed mystifed by the `fence` as well ! If that had been removed I would have run Ernie. He is a fearless dog and would go through a brick wall, but I don`t ask him. He gets a regular run around my local Greyhound track, as well as runs up my own gallop and is a pure racing dog, bred for that purpose !

There are number of young `bred` dogs now in Ulster and racing will become more competitve over the coming years, all the more reason to step up on what is classed as Racing. At present your a hundred years behind what goes on in the UK.

What you have at present, is a bit of competive fun that will be growing in the future as new bloodlines are introduced.

As I said earlier, here`s wishing each and everyone of you out there, all the best of luck during the coming season.

Happy Racing !
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Good post Martin. The meet was all the richer for guys like you making the effort, even though you feel we wasted your time.

There are so many whippet lovers here who can only dream of replicating what they have had for years in the UK. Our problem is we don't and therefore need to walk before we can run (pun not intended). I have been to far too many (failed) attempts where too much has been extravagantly organised on the first meeting and nothing ever is achieved. We tried to keep it to a simple format and tried to involve as many whippet owners as we could. Get them on board first.

Here we (if I have understood the situation) will listen to what everyone wants, look at the practicalities of each request and take another baby step forward.

Personally, I would love to own a true race bred whippet, and will race one some day, but for now I do not have the facilities, depth of knowledge or competition to make it worth my while. I'll work my current duo in the way I know as we already have those facilities.

Its a shame you won't be back, but I understand you need to commit your resources to where they will produce for you. Your dog was wonderful, obviously a class of its own on the day and I got some cracking pictures of him.

I'm sure we could benefit with your future advice and hope you could see to providing something in your backyard where we might come down, compete and see how it should be done.

It's very easy to criticise other peoples efforts, and no one should under estimate the work that was put into this event. As far as I'm concerned, if you want Non pedigree whippet racing, then start a club for that specific sport. This was the Northern Ireland Working Whippet Club, no mention of racing, and as far as I could see most of the whippets there were exactly that, whippets. Some may work, some may not, but it was a fun day out for a versatile little breed. As for the rest of us racing our "whippets" against Ernie, it's a non contest, he's a non ped, excellent dog, but is it really fair to expect pure whippets to race against him? I agree that a little more planning as regards the equipment was needed, but I've been at greyhound meetings where the lure failed!!

I also agree that more opportunities to train dogs up on the lure would be great, we don't all have the facilities to do this at home, and I did mention this to Robert. A lot of whippets, some of my own included, will chase the real thing, but aren't interested in chasing a plastic bag!!

Thankyou Robert for a fun day, and hopefully there will be plenty more to come!!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:


I`m going to finish on this subject now by stating that I never suggested `you wasted my time`! It was a long day for us and I wonder how you would feel if you ventured down here to Roscommon and stood around for FIVE hours ! The choice was mine to attend and I could have left at anytime, but I wanted to support the event, so I stuck it out.

It`s nice to win and Ernie has a obvious advantage over other `Whippets`, but over the years both in the Whippets during the `70`s and the Greyhounds over the last 27 years I have experienced all the highs and in the majority of cases lows that go with running dogs. I turned up yesterday for a bit of `craic`, because that`s all it is !

I take exception to you suggesting that I need to commit my resources to what produces for me in this department.

I tell you where my commitment lies regarding dogs and that is with the 130+ Greyhounds we have here and their owners, certainly not chasing a plastic bag up a field for a trophy ! We work extreamly hard down here and the Whippet side of it is a bit of fun on a rare day off ! I can take it or leave it !

It`s just a pity it takes place so far away, that I can`t add as you say my `experience` to the matter. You never know, one day I might be in a positon to show you how to do it, I wonder how many of you would come down ?

Martin Tucker said:
Firstly, I would like to compliment Robert in his efforts in organising this meeting. It`s encouraging to see a new generation out there willing to try and put a show on and he was rewarded with a fine turn out.
However, if shows like this and all the others around the Country are to be a success, then they have to be better organised.

For the last couple of weeks i`ve been getting Ernie `ready` and really looking forward to what looked on paper, a promising day's sport as it turned out, in my opinion it was the same old same old that is served up every week throughout the Summer !

I was up at 6 am, got my jobs done and headed off with Gavin and Ernie at 8 o`clock. We made good time and THREE hours later we arrived at the venue.

Nearly two hours later, but only 45 minutes after the scheduled start time Coursing got under way. Now for the life of me why Robert wanted to errect an obstacle that Denman would have trouble clearing in the middle of the course is beyond me ! Now if there are `trained` whippets out there then fair enough, but dogs having their first run is not on ! First lesson hopefully learnt !

Lesson 2 is make sure your own equipment is up to scratch and not rely on other peoples !

Back to the coursing and all the dogs stopped, bemused, one went through a small gap, some fought and some made it around to the finish. The final was a little better even though the lure driving nearly handed it to the dog well behind in second place. Thankfully the best dog came through to win. I declined to run Ernie as it looked `dodgy` and dogs could posssible be hurt !

All set now for the racing ! Er no, we`re having the showing first ! ! Despite my protests as to why not continue with the planned racing and I had travelled a long way, my pleas fell on deaf ears and my entry fee was offered back to me if I wanted.

This is the same old `rubbish` served up at Game Shows throughout the Country and Robert told me that this is how it is done `up here` !

Come on Robert put your own `stamp` on your show and don`t follow the sad route adopted by others !

Nearly THREE hours later, racing got under way. Ernie won his heat and was the only one of the five to finish ! The second heat was a lot better and all the dogs finished. The final was a non contest as Ernie come home a distance clear.

Collected dog, into van, didn`t wait for a trophy and set off FIVE AND A HALF HOURS after we arrived on our THREE hour journey home !

The under 23` Racing was a much better spectacle and was competitive and well done to John and China, it must have been that lucky jacket you were wearing John !

A real missed oppertunity to put on a good show and i`m sure Robert will have gained valuable experience and I do hope he puts on another one in the future.

If racing is to move forward in Ulster in what ever category Whippets, Unders, Overs etc then put on a racing day where young or inexperience dogs can have a go in practice and learn what they are meant to do ! I`m lucky I have my own gallop and can run Ernie behind the drag any day I want.

The people who organise the racing at these show do it their way and it makes for standing around for hours watching some person decide your dog is better looking than mine. There is a place for showing dogs, but first and foremost these dogs are meant for RUNNING ! !

I have enjoyed meeting new friends at these show and running Ernie, but i`m afraid it will be the last time you see me Gavin or Ernie at them, as they are not what I was used to when racing back in England and they don`t interest me in their current format.

I wish everyone up North all the best for the new season and I look forward to hearing on K9 who is winning !

With all the young pups out there, a new start could be made for those of you who have an interest. If I didn`t live as far away I would certainly change it all around and bring new ideas and interest in what is a great sport.

Happy Racing !

Yours in Sport ,

Martin Tucker.

martin i see exactly where youre coming from with your "own stamp" line. we here in ulster have inherited a legacy left by previous show organisers of old who to be quite honest were in this game to make a few quid. the showing side of things could be done in half the time and judged by almost anyone with an eye for a dog as its purely a matter of taste. standing ringside at any show in anywhere in the uk youll hear every person watching selecting their favourite dog..and in seconds too. ive judged at events where you try and give the owners their moneys worth but 5 seconds earlier you just heard a no-previous-lurcher-experience spectator select the same dog as youre about to without them even knowing what theyve even looked at. point being theres wayyyyyy to much time spent eyeing dogs over. then the crowd get fidgety and go for walks etc....time running these shows needs to be spend wisely. its about capturing everyones attention and holding it.

Shanes Castle is bled dry. i lose the will to live at and have vowed from now on ill be there for racing only. thats just my choice each to their own.

For the like of martin to drive all the way up here to hang about mustve been soul destroying. we tried to accomadate him at our show so he could get away again. as hes stated this was his descison to travel that distance and he probably knew what he was in for but sometimes allowances can be made and you get better thought of.

id be interested to know had you guys tried your sim-course out previously ? our club show in august we set up the same course with 5 turns in it. we done it nights before though we didnt run any dogs as we just wanted to see would the course work...luckily we found there was too much resistance on the string so straining the motor. we opted for 3 turns then..point being if we hadve waited till the show day it wouldve all looked amateurish and unplanned.

to be honest i was disappointed that to think you guys only had 6 whippets to do the sim-coursing come ?? and i dont think any made the jump. lads again a wee bitve forward planning goes a long way...on the day you shouldve let people walk their dogs to the jump and have a go at it...i know theres no practicing when your out in the field but you got to remember your putting on a spectacle to entertain and promote our wonderful sport and maybe enlist a few potential owners of racing/coursing dogs.

i for one sold the sport to those women with the couple of whippets..ive got them to attend the game fair at Ballywalter as the enjoyed the racing that much theyre busting to take part again !! see..job done ! with coaxing through vocal promotion and clubs like yourselves prepared to learn the ropes this wee country can do alright at running shows.

remember lads were all here to help out and advise to the best of our ability.

john :thumbsup:
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Robert.You need any help,just say.As you seen yesterday,we are alway's ready to jump in with a bit of help mate.I told Ann after the 1st run that the jump was a no no with the dog's,but it took to the final,after a couple of attempts for it to register.Alway's have a back up lure mate,and extra batteries,as you dont know how many re run's you are likely to have,and make sure you have loads of lure string.If you need any,let me know,or just send for the 6 oz net making string like what was on mine yesterday.Countrymans Weekly does it.I will nearly alway's have my lure with me,when i attend show's,as ive seen too often,that thing's can go wrong.One final thing i would like to say though,and it concern's judges.Make sure the one you get,likes whippetxgreyhound's,if they are going to have to judge them.Yesterday we had a judge tell us she hated the little so n so#s as they done nothing but yap all bloody day and night,and she could'nt stand them.Guess how we all felt,in the final line up.Then when she could'nt make her mind up,and kept telling the lad with the dark brindle,that his dog has a hump on it's back that she did'nt like,and was way too short,and made him re stack it,time and time again,as she could'nt make her mind up.Then at long last she did make her mind up,and came out with this one.I still dont like that bloody hump on it's back,but ive no other choice but to give it 1st.How do you think that made the other 2 of us feel,and to be honest,i like the dog who won the w/gclass,as i think she is a little cracker.Dont most whippet's have a roached back.Anyway,other than that,i had a very enjoyable day mate,even i got nowhere in the racing.So thankyou. Billy...
ok ladies and gents i would like to hear all yor ideas on hi to mover this club forword this was the frist show racing we can only learn by are mistakes cant wait to here your replys

thanks robert
Martin Tucker said:
I`m going to finish on this subject now by stating that I never suggested `you wasted my time`! It was a long day for us and I wonder how you would feel if you ventured down here to Roscommon and stood around for FIVE hours ! The choice was mine to attend and I could have left at anytime, but I wanted to support the event, so I stuck it out.

It`s nice to win and Ernie has a obvious advantage over other `Whippets`, but over the years both in the Whippets during the `70`s and the Greyhounds over the last 27 years I have experienced all the highs and in the majority of cases lows that go with running dogs. I turned up yesterday for a bit of `craic`, because that`s all it is !

I take exception to you suggesting that I need to commit my resources to what produces for me in this department.

I tell you where my commitment lies regarding dogs and that is with the 130+ Greyhounds we have here and their owners, certainly not chasing a plastic bag up a field for a trophy ! We work extreamly hard down here and the Whippet side of it is a bit of fun on a rare day off ! I can take it or leave it !

It`s just a pity it takes place so far away, that I can`t add as you say my `experience` to the matter. You never know, one day I might be in a positon to show you how to do it, I wonder how many of you would come down ?


Martin, I never put that as well as i should have. I know what its like to travel to the ends of the earth for sometimes no return. Lets face it, the return, albeit a good time, is what we are all in it for. A guy on another forum is crying out for whippet racing north or south. The majority of grey owners understandably aren't interested in the 'drop down' to whippets, nor should they be. However, you obviously have a place in your heart for the breed and that, coupled to your experience should be exploited. There is a place for quality whippet racing in Ireland and there is the interest but it needs somebody with a bit of nous to get it going and drive it forward. Our attempt and the subsequent attempts to put it right maybe or maybe not the catylist thats needed, but either way I for one would support your event should you decide to put it on. Firstly though I must get hold of a racer to challenge Ernie. ;)

milliken said:
ok ladies and gents i would like to hear all yor ideas on hi to mover this club forword this was the frist show racing we can only learn by are mistakes cant wait to here your replys
thanks robert

Robert, I for one would like to meet on a regular basis. Forums are difficult to get points across or understand correctly. We could try different things out at these meetings to see if previous suggestions work. The guys with the xperience should be brought on board and no suggestions should be discarded without either trialling it or majority agreement that its not a good idea.

I'm not a great one for committees as I've said in the past, but they can stop some groups running off in a different direction and keep everyone pulling together, providing the right people are running it and the opportunity is there to boot them off if they prove disruptive.

I would relish being just one of the workers who does as he's told providing that is often and I still felt a part of the club. A decent sec should be able to push out a monthly bulletin and keep everyone informed of decisions to be made, future get togethers, money available, money spent etc etc.

I think possibly to begin with and taking on board everything thats been said, it might be good to separate the disciplines for now. As John said, if we work in the background and trial out our ideas on our own dogs before we go public we might demonstrate that we are ready to put on a show.

What i'm trying to say is lets have a few weekends running and testing our ideas with the gear and then inviting interested members only for training days on the gear. The dogs (and us) would benefit no end and I would love the chance of training my dogs up.

I would pay a nominal amount for this and I'm sure everyone would. Our dogs would be better placed to put up a race, the kit would be well tested and we would be best placed on the day to head off any difficulties. When we have mastered the individual events then we could bring them all together in a public extravaganza that I think everyone would feel priviledged to attend.

I think that this is what I would like from the club and would hope that for the future, 'open' invites are reserved for those who understand where we are and who invited just to assist with their experience. Only when we are ready to public again, we should go 'open'.

I also believe that the UK Working Club is going to introduce the term 'verified workers', that is workers who have proved themselves in the field or on the track. I believe that might be for breeding puposes but a similar thing might happen here where the show ring should accommodate only verified workers or their offspring. The committee should have the veto over whether a dog has the credentials to become a verified worker and it is up to the owner to prove it.

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I said I was finished with the matter, but I couldn`t let this go without commenting.

You are correct Dave, run a few `Trial` days, non-competitve and give people the chance to teach their dogs to race ! This is the foundation for the future of Racing.

We school around 20 greyhounds every week and we start them off at home with handslips behind the drag and eventually progressing to the track as they learn. `Learn` is the important word and this applies to the owners as well as the dogs in the case of the Whippets/Lurchers.

These days will give you the oppertunities to try out equipment, meet and disuss new ideas and come up with a `game plan` and a agenda for the future. Do this over the coming months and I have no doubt you will organise a cracking show towards the end of the Summer, that I would be delighted to attend.

My comments, have been to try and make you all understand that a lot can be achieved with time, effort and ideas from people.

Cater for peoples needs and also the need for competitive racing is paramount . With experience at these trial meetings , you will all learn valuable lessons and experience and I have no doubt you will take these ideas on board.

I would love to contribute from a `distance` if I was required to do so, as i feel I have a lot to offer.

Martin Tucker said:
I said I was finished with the matter, but I couldn`t let this go without commenting.
You are correct Dave, run a few `Trial` days, non-competitve and give people the chance to teach their dogs to race ! This is the foundation for the future of Racing.

We school around 20 greyhounds every week and we start them off at home with handslips behind the drag and eventually progressing to the track as they learn. `Learn` is the important word and this applies to the owners as well as the dogs in the case of the Whippets/Lurchers.

These days will give you the oppertunities to try out equipment, meet and disuss new ideas and come up with a `game plan` and a agenda for the future. Do this over the coming months and I have no doubt you will organise a cracking show towards the end of the Summer, that I would be delighted to attend.

My comments, have been to try and make you all understand that a lot can be achieved with time, effort and ideas from people.

Cater for peoples needs and also the need for competitive racing is paramount . With experience at these trial meetings , you will all learn valuable lessons and experience and I have no doubt you will take these ideas on board.

I would love to contribute from a `distance` if I was required to do so, as i feel I have a lot to offer.


Just a comment on the last 2 post's here.I think what you both have said,is spot on,and i couldn't have put it better.I would be privelaged to take part in helping with summit like this,as it's long overdue in this country.That wee field is perfect for what was attempted on Sunday,regarding the simulated.Unfortunately,one of the problem's was that the lure driver had to take on a lure that he had no experience with,and it was way faster,in fact much to fast for the whippet's.Even in the straight racing,it was 60 odd yard's in front of the dog's,when it came out of the dip,causing some dog's to lose it,and turn back.A few practice weekends would put this right,and i for one would have no difficulty making the 1 n 1/2 hour drive,to take part,and share my experience with you lot in the whippet world.That was where i started out,years ago,and still love the little whirlwind's.Might even be drawn back into getting one,if this take's off.Anyway,as ive said Robert,im a phone call away,if you ever need a lure,or whatever else i might be able to contribute.Im sure other's on here feel the same mate.There will alway's be wrinkle's on a new garment,that need ironing out.Hey,we are all still learning,if truth be told. ...Billy...
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billyboy45 said:
Martin Tucker said:
I said I was finished with the matter, but I couldn`t let this go without commenting.
You are correct Dave, run a few `Trial` days, non-competitve and give people the chance to teach their dogs to race ! This is the foundation for the future of Racing.

We school around 20 greyhounds every week and we start them off at home with handslips behind the drag and eventually progressing to the track as they learn. `Learn` is the important word and this applies to the owners as well as the dogs in the case of the Whippets/Lurchers.

These days will give you the oppertunities to try out equipment, meet and disuss new ideas and come up with a `game plan` and a agenda for the future. Do this over the coming months and I have no doubt you will organise a cracking show towards the end of the Summer, that I would be delighted to attend.

My comments, have been to try and make you all understand that a lot can be achieved with time, effort and ideas from people.

Cater for peoples needs and also the need for competitive racing is paramount . With experience at these trial meetings , you will all learn valuable lessons and experience and I have no doubt you will take these ideas on board.

I would love to contribute from a `distance` if I was required to do so, as i feel I have a lot to offer.


Just a comment on the last 2 post's here.I think what you both have said,is spot on,and i couldn't have put it better.I would be privelaged to take part in helping with summit like this,as it's long overdue in this country.That wee field is perfect for what was attempted on Sunday,regarding the simulated.Unfortunately,one of the problem's was that the lure driver had to take on a lure that he had no experience with,and it was way faster,in fact much to fast for the whippet's.Even in the straight racing,it was 60 odd yard's in front of the dog's,when it came out of the dip,causing some dog's to lose it,and turn back.A few practice weekends would put this right,and i for one would have no difficulty making the 1 n 1/2 hour drive,to take part,and share my experience with you lot in the whippet world.That was where i started out,years ago,and still love the little whirlwind's.Might even be drawn back into getting one,if this take's off.Anyway,as ive said Robert,im a phone call away,if you ever need a lure,or whatever else i might be able to contribute.Im sure other's on here feel the same mate.There will alway's be wrinkle's on a new garment,that need ironing out.Hey,we are all still learning,if truth be told. ...Billy...

yeh i got a couple.....if youre not the line judge dont try and make a call and take pix at the same doesnt work :thumbsup: leave it to the line judges or somebody with 20-20 vision 8) mr roy orbison
stormydog said:
billyboy45 said:
Martin Tucker said:
I said I was finished with the matter, but I couldn`t let this go without commenting.
You are correct Dave, run a few `Trial` days, non-competitve and give people the chance to teach their dogs to race ! This is the foundation for the future of Racing.

We school around 20 greyhounds every week and we start them off at home with handslips behind the drag and eventually progressing to the track as they learn. `Learn` is the important word and this applies to the owners as well as the dogs in the case of the Whippets/Lurchers.

These days will give you the oppertunities to try out equipment, meet and disuss new ideas and come up with a `game plan` and a agenda for the future. Do this over the coming months and I have no doubt you will organise a cracking show towards the end of the Summer, that I would be delighted to attend.

My comments, have been to try and make you all understand that a lot can be achieved with time, effort and ideas from people.

Cater for peoples needs and also the need for competitive racing is paramount . With experience at these trial meetings , you will all learn valuable lessons and experience and I have no doubt you will take these ideas on board.

I would love to contribute from a `distance` if I was required to do so, as i feel I have a lot to offer.


Just a comment on the last 2 post's here.I think what you both have said,is spot on,and i couldn't have put it better.I would be privelaged to take part in helping with summit like this,as it's long overdue in this country.That wee field is perfect for what was attempted on Sunday,regarding the simulated.Unfortunately,one of the problem's was that the lure driver had to take on a lure that he had no experience with,and it was way faster,in fact much to fast for the whippet's.Even in the straight racing,it was 60 odd yard's in front of the dog's,when it came out of the dip,causing some dog's to lose it,and turn back.A few practice weekends would put this right,and i for one would have no difficulty making the 1 n 1/2 hour drive,to take part,and share my experience with you lot in the whippet world.That was where i started out,years ago,and still love the little whirlwind's.Might even be drawn back into getting one,if this take's off.Anyway,as ive said Robert,im a phone call away,if you ever need a lure,or whatever else i might be able to contribute.Im sure other's on here feel the same mate.There will alway's be wrinkle's on a new garment,that need ironing out.Hey,we are all still learning,if truth be told. ...Billy...

yeh i got a couple.....if youre not the line judge dont try and make a call and take pix at the same doesnt work :thumbsup: leave it to the line judges or somebody with 20-20 vision 8) mr roy orbison

So happened the line judge shouted over ,what won that bloody race,cause i havent got a bloody clue.Seems Colin was the only one with that 20/20 vision then,dont it.
sorry I didnt make it, but if the meets become a regular affair I will bring my (pedigree) whippets to race

regarding training days, when I took the dogs to Scotland, they had to run on their own after a lure before being allowed to race. I found it a good experience, as the dogs became much more keen on the lure once they'd had a couple of runs without the distraction of other dogs
A quick post. Here's the show ring winners. Sorry they're not labelled. A print is included in the membership pack. Contact Robert for details.











billyboy45 said:
stormydog said:
billyboy45 said:
Martin Tucker said:
I said I was finished with the matter, but I couldn`t let this go without commenting.
You are correct Dave, run a few `Trial` days, non-competitve and give people the chance to teach their dogs to race ! This is the foundation for the future of Racing.

We school around 20 greyhounds every week and we start them off at home with handslips behind the drag and eventually progressing to the track as they learn. `Learn` is the important word and this applies to the owners as well as the dogs in the case of the Whippets/Lurchers.

These days will give you the oppertunities to try out equipment, meet and disuss new ideas and come up with a `game plan` and a agenda for the future. Do this over the coming months and I have no doubt you will organise a cracking show towards the end of the Summer, that I would be delighted to attend.

My comments, have been to try and make you all understand that a lot can be achieved with time, effort and ideas from people.

Cater for peoples needs and also the need for competitive racing is paramount . With experience at these trial meetings , you will all learn valuable lessons and experience and I have no doubt you will take these ideas on board.

I would love to contribute from a `distance` if I was required to do so, as i feel I have a lot to offer.


Just a comment on the last 2 post's here.I think what you both have said,is spot on,and i couldn't have put it better.I would be privelaged to take part in helping with summit like this,as it's long overdue in this country.That wee field is perfect for what was attempted on Sunday,regarding the simulated.Unfortunately,one of the problem's was that the lure driver had to take on a lure that he had no experience with,and it was way faster,in fact much to fast for the whippet's.Even in the straight racing,it was 60 odd yard's in front of the dog's,when it came out of the dip,causing some dog's to lose it,and turn back.A few practice weekends would put this right,and i for one would have no difficulty making the 1 n 1/2 hour drive,to take part,and share my experience with you lot in the whippet world.That was where i started out,years ago,and still love the little whirlwind's.Might even be drawn back into getting one,if this take's off.Anyway,as ive said Robert,im a phone call away,if you ever need a lure,or whatever else i might be able to contribute.Im sure other's on here feel the same mate.There will alway's be wrinkle's on a new garment,that need ironing out.Hey,we are all still learning,if truth be told. ...Billy...

yeh i got a couple.....if youre not the line judge dont try and make a call and take pix at the same doesnt work :thumbsup: leave it to the line judges or somebody with 20-20 vision 8) mr roy orbison

So happened the line judge shouted over ,what won that bloody race,cause i havent got a bloody clue.Seems Colin was the only one with that 20/20 vision then,dont it.

billy in a tight finish i called johns dog which to me the only one standing at the line was rite as my dog was with it :thumbsup: