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Mysti First Season,


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If you've got a weak tummy, don't read any further, quite graphic post lol.

Just wondering what to expect with this being her first season, I've just noticed today that she has like a brownish runny discharge coming from her back end, not smelly or anything like that, but Tascha keeps trying to hump her like there's no tomorrow, so I'm guessing this is her first season.

She still seems fine in herself, but I'm wondering when she becomes *attractive* to the opposite sex? How do you deal with keeping dogs away when you're on walks?

Any advice greatly appreciated.
Hi Andrea have a look in the FAQ section to give you more details about their seasons. You can take them for walks if she is climbing the walls but I'd probably get OH to take her out just for little walks incase you encounter another dog and you need to pick her up. Does he get up at 5 AM like you do??!! :- "
I'm having this trouble at the moment too andrea, next door but one's bloody collie was in my garden yesterday! he'd jumped two fences to get to her :rant:

I haven't noticed any discharge as of yet though, but poor Binx is getting humped all the time :wacko: I'm just glad I had my toy yorkie 'snipped' :- " the pup's would have been dam ugly (w00t)

and Binx is way to young to even notice, he thinks she's playing with him and races around the place (w00t) I daren't take her out at the moment, as I have low fencing and I just know all the males will follow me back and jump the fence :unsure:

we just have a game of fetch the ball (and chase me :blink: ) in the back garden until thier all puffed out, thank goodness it will only last 3 weeks or so :thumbsup:

:luck: :luck: with Mysti

p.s I think it's in the second week when they will accept a male but not to sure :unsure: as for keeping male's away from her on walks get your self a little water pistol :p :lol: this won't help me though as I have low fencing :(
I tend to walk the girls at about 5am, when there is no one else about, so they can free run, then in the aftenoon, it's all road work. We don't tend to meet any other dogs, but I'm always wary incase one should pop up from somewhere.

I'm lucky that I have a very enclosed back garden, with a high fence, that they can't get over. It's at least 8ft, so I don't THINK they can get over it lol.
Famous last words that Andrea! (w00t) 8ft fences are nothing to a determined dog LOL.
OMG Jac, don't tell me that, I'd die if some hound got into my garden to mate with her, she's only a pup herself, as she's just over 6 months now, and waaayyyyy to young to have pups. I'm be ever vigilant, standing guard with a chastity belt if needed lol.
You find a lot of bitches come in season when they've "moved house"
With both mine I looked at it as better safe than sorry, although they hated not free running and sulked fine style, I made sure they were well and truly out of season before getting back to normal, I always watched them in the garden too I have a big fence but was also adviced a determined dog will get ANYWHERE if it needs to, so I'd keep a beady eye on her Andrea thoughout if I were you, good luck :luck: :luck:
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What ever you do,do not walk her from the house. Carry her or drive away from the house. If she walks dogs, will be able to track her and you will end up with dog pack on your doorsteps. If she is good on recall you can still let her run provided there are no entire male dogs present .

I would NEVER leave a bitch in season unsupervised in the garden.

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I tend to walk the girls at about 5am, when there is no one else about
you'll be suprised how just when the time is right for mating everyone will have taken their dogs for a walk early lol.
Well, after all that, it looks like it could be a false alarm???? Mysti is dry again this morning, and no sign of discharge. Is this normal? Do I need to worry and take her to the vets?

With my other dogs (all jack russells), you could tell they were in season straight away, lots of blood etc, and major swelling.

I'm confused right now lol.
Thanks Jac, I'm such a novice when it comes to whippets lol, but love them to bits :wub: :wub: and want to do everything right for them.
andrea31 said:
but love them to bits :wub:   :wub:   and want to do everything right for them.
Nothing wrong with that Andrea :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: