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My Whippet


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my whippet is 12months old i have had her about a week and is a brindle colour she is very fussy but loves beef but not chocolate! She will sometimes play fetch but if she dunna want to she wont move a muscle she is so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!She also likes to each the chewy shoes and bones from wilkinsons, can you please tell me if she is fully grown now and classed as a adult and is it too late to teacher her basic commands like sit because she wont even sit when i push down her rear end luv whippets.
A dog is never too old to be taught basic obedience. A rescue lurcher, who was 12 attended the obedience group Chloe went to. She managed fine and really came on well within a short space of time. It was lovely to see an old dog find a new home and enjoy the later years!
jok said:
A dog is never too old to be taught basic obedience.  A rescue lurcher, who was 12 attended the obedience group Chloe went to.  She managed fine and really came on well within a short space of time.  It was lovely to see an old dog find a new home and enjoy the later years!
i think the whippet is 12 months old,not 12 years :lol: :lol:
Yes Daledogs, i know his whippet is 12 months. However, if a 12 year old can manage it, im damn sure a 12 month old can too!!! lol :wacko:
whippets said:
my whippet is 12months old i have had her about a week and is a brindle colour she is very fussy but loves beef but not chocolate! She will sometimes play fetch but if she dunna want to she wont move a muscle she is so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!She also likes to each the chewy shoes and bones from wilkinsons, can you please tell me if she is fully grown now and classed as a adult and is it too late to teacher her basic commands like sit because she wont even sit when i push down her rear end luv whippets.
she is fully grown,but not fully matured,some are not fully matured until 2-3 yrs of age and no its not to late for basic commands but i would'nt force her by pushing her rear end down.used titbits as could always find out if theres any obedient classes near you.hope this helps.any photos of your girl
jok said:
Yes Daledogs, i know his whippet is 12 months.  However, if a 12 year old can manage it, im damn sure a 12 month old can too!!! lol  :wacko:
sorry :- " :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :* :*
There's no reason why she couldn't be taught but pushing her rear end down will just make her more stubborn she won't understand that, stand infront of her with a treat and bring it from her nose(so she knows there's a treat) to above her head and move it backwards she should naturally sit, if she backs up try doing it with her back end closer to the wall so she cant, while you are moving the treat use the word sit and practise doing it she will come to know the word :thumbsup: good luck :luck:

BTW your post was much easier to read in normal language :thumbsup:
daledogs said:
jok said:
Yes Daledogs, i know his whippet is 12 months.  However, if a 12 year old can manage it, im damn sure a 12 month old can too!!! lol  :wacko:
sorry :- " :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :* :*

That's okay, bet you thought i'd gone mad!! :D

Whippets - it would be a good idea to take your bitch to obedience classes. Most do classes for adult dogs. The instructor will be able to teach you positive, kind methods of training her. Im sure you'll both pick it up really quick. Using treats and positive praise is the best way, not pushing her bum down!! Oh, and as im sure you know already, human chocolate is a no-no for dogs, it's toxic to them!
thanks everyone for the advice and i am sorry if i offended you in the chitchat room i didun realise that it would be a problem!!!!!I never intended to affend anyone i just dont see why people would go on something theyw want to close. I hope we can get on okay now luv whippets Ps sorry 2 everyone i offended
Your posts are now so much easier to read Whippets! :thumbsup: