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My Whippet Girl Just Had To Be Put Down


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Hi, I'm new here. I found K9 cos I'm looking for a puppy.

my beautiful Sooz (6) just had to be put down, she had liver cancer. anyone else had a situation like this? she was always a thin dog, a picky eater, but, being a whippet, very energetic and excitable out walking. I got her when she was about 2 1/2, her owner was going to dump her for fighting his other bitch, and she had led a very sheltered life, so we had an interesting time, but fascinating. I could never get over how beautiful she was - she was a very dainty, feminine person, except when it came to chasing rabbits/hares/pheasants, cats etc etc. she was ill on and off for about a month before she had the biopsy. :(

if you like silly dog stories, click on I haven't finished it, but I think I had better give it some closure now. Needless to say we are all devasted, but looking onwards and upwards, I would very much like a whippet/bedlington cross puppy, another girl. just missed one in Ongar, can anyone help?
Welcome to K9, sorry for your sad loss :( good luck in youer search for a new puppy :luck: :luck:
Welcome to K9 :)

SO sorry to hear about Sooz

Look in the Lurchers section under the thread whippet/bedlington by sparky- he's thinking of having a litter I think.

Hi Sooz

Sorry to hear of your loss. It is always hard when we loose a good friend and companion. Good luck in your search for a puppy.

BTW loved your stories on your website.
so sorry about your loss :( hope you find the right pup soon
Welcome to K9.

RIP Sooz.

:luck: Good luck in finding a new dog :luck:
RIP Sooz :(

What a lovely site the sketches are very good and the poetry is fantastic, you should do a kids book as I'm sure it would be popular. :)
Sorry for your sad loss of Sooz :( ,

My dog aged 12 (Chip) and half was pts at the beginning of last year, :( and is terrible when you lose a faithfull friend.

But I did find my gorgeous new puppy Oscar on K9 who is now 11 months and Kobi who is now 16 weeks. So I am sure you will enjoy K9 and are boundto find a puppy on this site. Good Luck :luck: :luck:

Will check out your website and Thanks. :thumbsup:
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It is devastating to lose a beloved pet - particularly a whippet as they eat into one's soul. I lost my first whippet (aged 12), just over two years ago and only lasted a week before finding a puppy. This was not without a lot of hunting as litters seemed to be few and far between. We drove 400 miles on two occasions - firstly to look at the puppies and then to go back to collect Minnie. The breeder must have thought that I was mad as I walked into her house, saw the beautiful litter of 9 puppies and promptly burst into tears. Minnie is now 21/2 and is a lot more feisty than Chloe, her predecessor. Chloe, like your whippet, had health problems from early on and had to take a pill (Fortecor) every day. She became ill very quickly and although the vet tried everything to save her, the real reason for her "immune deficiency" problem was never diagnosed. The vet removed her spleen and she had several blood transfusions. If your dog died quickly, you are lucky. I could not bring myself to have Chloe put down and while the vet thought there could be hope, I told her to go ahead - no expense spared. With the benefit of hindsight, perhaps I was selfish and cruel and it broke our hearts to leave her in an animal hospital. As I write this, I can feel myself getting upset so I must be positive and say that the answer is to find another dog to love. Life is not the same without them.

Good luck with your search.


p.s. Having had whippets and looked after Bedlingtons, they both have a lot of wonderful characteristics. The only thing I would say is that I found the Bedlington I used to have during holidays fairly lethal with other male dogs. I suppose that the terrier aspect came out in him. He also had an aversion to naughty children !. in them.
I'm so sorry for you loss of Sooz, it is heartbreaking loosing them :(

Rest in peace sweet Sooz...

sooz said:
if you like silly dog stories, click on I haven't finished it, is [SIZE=14pt]wonderful[/SIZE]. Thank you for sharing!!!
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sooz said:
Hi, I'm new here. I found K9 cos I'm looking for a puppy. my beautiful Sooz (6) just had to be put down, she had liver cancer. anyone else had a situation like this? she was always a thin dog, a picky eater, but, being a whippet, very energetic and excitable out walking.  I got her when she was about 2 1/2, her owner was going to dump her for fighting his other bitch, and she had led a very sheltered life, so we had an interesting time, but fascinating. I could never get over how beautiful she was - she was a very dainty, feminine person, except when it came to chasing rabbits/hares/pheasants, cats etc etc.  she was ill on and off for about a month before she had the biopsy. :(

if you like silly dog stories, click on I haven't finished it, but I think I had better give it some closure now.  Needless to say we are all devasted, but looking onwards and upwards, I would very much like a whippet/bedlington cross puppy, another girl. just missed one in Ongar, can anyone help?

I am so sorry to hear that you have lost Sooz, but her story on your websire bought her to life for me. What a wonderful tale and I am sure a wonderful dog. I hope that your search for a pup ends soon and that you continue to post with new poems about sooz and sal and the new edition.....

RIP Sooz
Hi and welcome to K9.

Your website was great - obvious how well loved Sooz was.

It's very hard to loose a young dog - so unfair.

Life without a whippet is horrible - good luck with finding a new puppy :luck:
heartfelt thanks to everyone for your sympathy and understanding. and appreciation of the website. I must find time to finish it - writing it in verse , I just made things a lot harder for myself! and my model for the drawings has gone, but I do have lots of photos.

and I have found a puppy! she is only 6 weeks old yesterday - we went to see the litter - her poor Mum had 12!!!!!

so I will pick her up in 2 weeks. she is a whippet bedlington lurcher, black at the moment, but she will be blue and broken coated. Mum has a very good temperament, and none of the puppies seemed at all nervous or problematic.

Poor Sooz was a very very nervous person around other dogs, until she got to know them, and she did not like the car much either. she was a very trembly whippet, her teeth used to vibrate when we were about to go for a walk. I got her as a rescue at 2 1/2, so I thought this time I'll get a puppy, and much as I adored her whippetness, the cross appealed to me as being tougher and a bit more equable.
sooz said:
heartfelt thanks to everyone for your sympathy  and understanding.  and appreciation of the website. I must find time to finish it - writing it in verse , I just made things a lot harder for myself! and my model for the drawings has gone, but I do have lots of photos.
and I have found a puppy! she is only 6 weeks old yesterday - we went to see the litter - her poor Mum had 12!!!!!

so I will pick her  up in 2 weeks. she is a whippet bedlington lurcher, black at the moment, but she will be blue and broken coated. Mum has a very good temperament, and none of the puppies seemed at all nervous or problematic.

Poor Sooz was a very very nervous person around other dogs, until she got to know them, and she did not like the car much either. she was a very trembly whippet, her teeth used to vibrate when we were about to go for a walk. I got her as a rescue at 2 1/2, so I thought this time I'll get a puppy, and much as I adored her whippetness, the cross appealed to me as being tougher and a bit more equable.

Good luck with your new pup, hopefully we will get to see lots of pics :- "
I'm so glad that you've found one :thumbsup:
So sorry to hear of your sad loss of Sooz :( Good luck with your new puppy. I hope you have many happy healthy years with her.

Away to look at your site.

Can't wait to see pics of your wee pup :huggles: Do you have any names yet