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My Two Girls (human Ones Lol )


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i went up to the farm i used to keep my horses on to see if they knew any one looking for the collie x in rescue , whilst we were there the farmer came out with 2 bottles of milk , we heard two little lambs bleating and running up the field , the farmer then let my 2 feed the lambs , it really made there day :wub:

i had taken my camera with me to show them the pik of the dog , how lucky was i to get these pikkies while i was there :wub:


oohh i bet they loved that :thumbsup:

my 2 youngest got to feed some lambs last summer and still talk about it now :)
i remember when i was in primary school going to mr liddles farm with our class and your pics just reminded me of feeding the lambs many years ago,ahh memories so sweet :)

i bet your girls will remember this special time forever :thumbsup:
thats a lovely picture sharon,bet theyll remember that forever.i love baby lambs theyre so cute with their little waggly tails! :D
what a nice thing for the farmer to do - i bet your girls loved it
Great photos sharon, what pretty young ladies you have :thumbsup: