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My Trip To The Zoo


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Have had the week off this week and decided to take my little man to the farm and also the zoo (a real animal week) and he definitely has my love of animals!

After a brilliant day at the farm...we went to the zoo on Friday.

We sat watching the Gorillas for ages and I was watching one little lady very closely. She was very dainty and petite (as monkeys go!) and was happily sifting through finding herself some celery to munch on. She had a real sparkle in her eye and was watching us just as closely.

When she moved it didn't register straight away but something didn't look quite right about her....she had an arm missing!! This beautiful, strong creature had her right arm missing and it didn't bother her one little bit!

It brought tears to my eyes to be so close to such wonderful animals but to see the gorilla coping as she did without an arm gave me real hope for Arnie. If she can do it so can he!!!!

I took a ton of pictures and will post some when I download them...

Have a great weekend everyone.


aww looks like you had a great time will look forward to the pics :thumbsup:
That sounds like a good day out Look forward to seeing the pics :)
I also love going to zoo's and farms, which zoo did you go to?

looking forward to seeing your photo's
Sounds like you had a wonderful time sarah :) Animals are just amazing aren't they ?

Looking forward to seeing some pics :thumbsup:

Hope Arnie is continuing to do well :wub: