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My Spayed Bitch Has Become Attractive To Dogs


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My alsation bitch was spayed earlier in the year and has suddenly become attractive to my dog. He keeps sniffing her behind and now keeps mounting her. What has happened here? Is this normal ? has the operation not been done properly? Can anyone help?
I knew of a cat who was spayed and then a few months later came into season, calling, rolling around and all the neighbourhood toms were hanging about. Back at the vets it was decided that a very small amount of ovarian tissue had been left behind. The poor cat was opened up again & the vets had a good old rummage around & stitched her back up. A few months later it happened again, the owners decided not to put the cat through any more messing and the last I heard they just kept her in or used an "anti-mate" type of spray on the cat at that time.

The vet can do a blood test to see if any hormones are being released and then decide what to do. In the meantime veterinary amplex spray, from pet shop or vet,seems to put the males off sniffing etc. Good Luck.
:cheers: WELCOME TO K9 :cheers:

My aged bitch had been speyed and our dogs still took an interest in her not to the extent that they would had she been entire but enough to iritate her.She usually dealt with it herself though by snapping the face off the boys!! :lol:
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