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My Scruples Whippet, Hector

Dr B

New Member
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I thought I would give you a quick update on my Scruples whippet, Hector. I have only had him since August Bank Holiday weekend but it feels like he has always been here. He was overweight when he came to me and didn't know what a lead was for but I'm glad to say he is looking leaner and his fitness is improving daily. Ash, my other whippet, used to be streaks ahead of him running across the fields but Hector is now as bum-biting pace! I took this picture this morning. For once it wasn't raining!

:thumbsup: Nice to see Hector again and pleased to hear he has settled so well :D
What a lovely happy looking lad.

Glad to hear that he has settled in so well.
He is SO handsome :wub: :wub: :wub: I'm glad he's settled so well with you :D
So glad to hear that Hector has settled in well with you , he is a gorgeous boy :wub: :huggles:
Well done!!! Nice to hear that Hector is getting up speed now :thumbsup:

Lovely picture :wub:
That smile says it all :thumbsup: :wub: :thumbsup:
What a smashing looking chap Hector is :wub: :wub: And absolutely magical news that he is doing so well with you, he has certainly landed on his feet with you and his whippet friend - love happy stories :))
It was lovely to meet up with you and Hector yesterday for his follow up visit Ali ... he is looking so well and I'm sure he'll loose those remaining pounds soon ... who know's maybe he'll be overtaking Ash !!

Gorgeous photo of the lovely boy :wub:
Hector is just lovely...fallen on his feet Id say.... :thumbsup:
Love that picture :thumbsup: