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My Old Cat


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My cat Baggins is at least 15, maybe older. When we fostered him 8 yrs ago he had a broken leg which was pinned. That healed & he went from being a foster to living with us as our cat :- " Like they do :b

Since then we have nearly lost him twice with bladder stones, the first time we only just got him to the vets before his bladder burst.

He has always been our old man, nicknamed "Fang" because of his lack of teeth, most of them were gone when he came to us. He could be any age really but is at least 15 :wub:

Recently he has lost weight suddenly & 3 weeks ago I noticed blood coming out of his mouth. I took him straight to the vets who said it's likely that he has a tumour on his jawbone :( They could do all sorts of tests & biopsies but she was fairly certain that it's cancerous.

He also has a heart murmur & an enlarged thyroid. As he's such an old fella I really don't want him prodded & poked around just to give him an extra few months. We were away last week & my neighbour was looking after the cats but as soon as we got back I could see that the lump is a lot bigger. It seems to be growing by the day :( He is dribbling bloody saliva almost constantly & now it seems to be distorting his face, his tongue is being pushed to one side by the lump.

I have another appointment at the vets tomorrow afternoon & I'm just steeling myself for the inevitable.

He doesn't seem to be in pain & still wants food so maybe I'm being a bit gloomy but I really don't think he can go on much longer if this :rant: thing keeps growing at this rate.

He's lost 3 lives while he's been with us so maybe he's just used them all up now.

He & Rafferty have a hate/hate relationship & have had many a skirmish over the years, it'll be strange when he's not around baiting the bedlington :b
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We lost our cat Sam earlier this year with jaw cancer apparently it's fairly common. :( I think he's done well to get to 15 and I'm sure he'll have lots of happy memories.

Thinking of you Julie. :huggles:
I am so sorry, I really feel for you.

I had to make the decision to have one of my cats, Emma, PTS for the same reason (jawbone tumour) in April 2005.

Like Baggins, she was still eating and well in every other way but she was gradually losing the ability to breathe as the tumour grew and pushed against her airways.

She seemed to snuffle alot and one day I knew that it was uncomfortable for her and I decided she needed to be at peace. She was only 12.

The vet came to my house and Emma passed away quietly in my arms, sitting on the settee where she always loved to be.

I feel sad now just remembering that day and I know it is such a hard thing to do, and it is very painful to watch a cat you love so much getting worse each day.

I will be thinking of you and Baggins tomorrow ..... good luck :luck:

Please, do PM me if you would like a chat - sometimes it helps.

:huggles: Jane
Sounds as if he's come through a lot and experienced only kindness and love in his latter years :huggles:



Tracey x
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. I had to make the decision last year to have mine pts, he too was a rescue, was thrown out of a car on a dual carriageway aged about 6 months and had a pathological fear of being in the car from there on. I had him for 15 years but knew, although he was still eating, that he was ready to go. He seemed to be having small seizures and became very unsteady on his back legs. My vet came to the house and he slipped away peacefully.

Sending you lots of :huggles: It is such a hard thing to have to do. :(
:( So sorry to hear this sad news. You have given him a lovely life. Will be thinking of you both tomorrow :(
so sorry to hear this sad news :(

sounds like you have given him the perfect home over the years and will be a very large chunk of your lives sadly missed when the time comes :(

you have done all you possibly can for the gent, and you are still ever hopefully but realistic , thinking of you all :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
sorry to hear about this hun,as jacqui says we lost Sam with the same thing this year.i didnt want to wait till he got to the stage where he was uncomfotable or in pain so as soon as he was having problems eating we took the decision.cried like a baby at the vets we stayed with him till the was upset too.well be thinking of you. :huggles:
sorry about poor baggins,its never easy when there poorly :(

thinking of you today :huggles:
So sorry to hear about old Baggins (love his name :) ). Even when you know they've had a great long life it's never easy to say goodbye. :( But I'm sure you'll know what to do for the best. Thinking of you today. :huggles:
So sorry to hear about Baggins. :( He reminds me very much of my eleven year old ginger cat Bob who had a tumour in his facial sinuses a few years ago that was inoperable. I can remember I had him home for one night before he went to the vet for the last time. Strangely for a cat who had never been very friendly, he played with his toys that last evening, and before he was PTS put his front paws on my shoulders and gave me a gentle lick. o:) It was the right thing to do, as the tumour was going to get worse and cause him suffering, so I'm glad he had a happy life to the end.

Thinking of you and Baggins :huggles:
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My thoughts are with you JT :( its a hard decision I had to make myself a couple of months ago, you just have to remember that you are doing whats best for them and try to be strong :huggles: