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My new pup will not walk on a lead


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Hi everyone, got a beutiful 9 week old blue staff, she loves running around in the garden and likes being around my friends dog and is very confident and loved, but when i put her lead on to get her used to walking, she just sits and i have to drag her which i dont want 2 do, is she scared? If the lead is not on she would roam anywhere but obviously cant have her off the lead. Any replied appreciated guys, thanks!
Sorry if this sounds a bit too easy a remedy, and I haven't had this problem myself, but I once read somewhere that you should clip a short lead on, say, in the garden, don't pick it up yourself, but just let her trail it round while she's playing. The idea is to get her used to it without frightening her. Of course if she's food-motivated you could also give a titbit whenever you clip the lead on. Good luck.
I have tried leaving it on her in the house an let it chew, sniff, get used 2 ect, but maybe in the the garden might be a good thing!

Ohh an thanks for yoyr time replying, muck apreciated!
Use a treat to lure her into making a step forward and give it to her immediately she takes the step. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Then ask for a second step and repeat etc. Gradually ask for more steps and then change your body position so that she is following you to get the treat. Once she gets the idea then vary the number of steps she has to take to get the treat. Might be 5 or 2 or 7 etc. Give praise as you go along until she will do lots of steps using praise then get a treat at the end.
Get a normal, cheap leather lead and put it on your dog and let her, loose with it on.

Staffy owners invariably buy quite heavy chain link leads, they are heavy, noisy and for a first time the dog just might not like it;

Play with your dog using the lead as a plaything, whilst it is attached to her collar run ahead of her letting her grab the loop of the lead handle.

She will soon get used to this odd thing dangling from her neck.

Whilst trying to get her used to the lead, never pull her by the lead, She will treat this as a tug of war style game, this will cause pulling and tugging problems later when you take your dog out for a walk.

You can change the lead for a chain style one when she feels comfortable with the cheap one.

Practise and patience, she will eventually get the idea, remember the treats when she gets things right.
