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My mum's dog has collapsed after vomiting.


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Hello, I am new to the forum.

My mum has 7 pomeranians (a lot , I know) . And Oscar, today ate foxes poo at the park today and Mum managed to get him to drop it.

But after that he started heaving,licking his lips, and eventually threw up and then after that fell to the ground on his back and stared rolling violently.

Mum calmed him down, and eventually got him home and he is now sleeping.

Does anyone know what could have happend?

He's had a seizure before after being stung by a bee, but that was a different kind of reaction to this time.

I'm not sure what to do he does appear to be fine now.

Can anyone give me any advice.

Many thanks,

Rochelle xx
I would get him straight to a vet in case its something poisonous and he needs flushing out?

Welcome to Dog Forum!! :)
Get him to the vet immediately. For instance, the fox could have eaten something poisonous which the dog picked up in the poo.
I agree, get him to a vet as soon as possible. I hope he's OK
Hope you got the little fella to the vets in time! :)
I hope that you consulted a vet immediately on this one because there are lots of things that need to be excluded before you can assume that the collapse is not harmful. However, the simple act of vomiting can sometimes cause fainting because the stomach is on the vagal nerve and vomiting can also cause a temporary sudden drop in blood pressure.

I know people, cats and dogs that either go a bit woozy or faint after vomiting- it's a pretty common and harmless thing (once you know that it's not a seizure, stroke etc etc).