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My Greyhound Bess Needs Help


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Does anyone know of a really good greyhound Mctimoney Chicropracter in west Cornwall. Bess slipped and fell while being an idiot in the conservatory and has hurt her shoulder or neck.

Anyone you can recommend????? Please.
Oh no :blink: Poor Bess :(

I'm sorry I don't know anyone, Anne. I hope you can find someone for her x
Ann the best place to find one is on greyhound data. I will cross post on there to see if any one knows of one.
there used to be one near wadbridge,

best bet give one of he cornish racing clubs a shout they might be able to help.
Went to my own vet, she has hurt her neck, that is the problem. So we now have some pain relief for her and hopefully things will return to normal.
Sorry im only now reading this.

Dont bother with your own vet - they know f**k all about running dogs - go to Sandra Osborne in Honiton, she is one of the best around and is a running dog specalist (trained in Oz with greyhounds) - her number is 01404 42062

I cant garentee she will fit you in as a client but she maywell do you a second opinion and the right treatment as a one off. She had a waiting list the last time i seen her.

my boy was attacked and distroyed his shoulder and we thought he would never run again - she has got him back up and running and 18 months down the line he is working and competing again :thumbsup:

Hope this helps and give her a ring sooner rather than later :thumbsup:
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She is much better and back to her normal bouncing self. My vet had had lurchers and does work for the Retired Greyhound Trust so he does know our breeds and their differences to other breeds. I have found a chiropractor recommended by a whippet racing chap, it's jut about a mile from me!!!!

His diagnosis was spot on, we worked out she slipped and fell and ricked her neck. She will try and dash about like the whippets, outside is okay, but indoors is just a bit much!!!

Thanks for your advice, I had heard of Sandra and know she is always busy, thankfully Bess is sorted, until the next time.
She is much better and back to her normal bouncing self. My vet had had lurchers and does work for the Retired Greyhound Trust so he does know our breeds and their differences to other breeds. I have found a chiropractor recommended by a whippet racing chap, it's jut about a mile from me!!!!
His diagnosis was spot on, we worked out she slipped and fell and ricked her neck. She will try and dash about like the whippets, outside is okay, but indoors is just a bit much!!!

Thanks for your advice, I had heard of Sandra and know she is always busy, thankfully Bess is sorted, until the next time.
Glad to hear she is better - not nice when they hurt themselves. My pup is a looney and im sure she is going to hurt herself one of these days racing around at 90mph :clown: :clown: