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My Girls


Warrior Queen
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Lola on the beanbag, although I think it might be a growbag by the way she's going :lol:

:wub: :wub: :wub: and another :wub:

Crikely she has grown (w00t)

Is she really nearly as big as Josie Helen? It looks like it on those pics (w00t)

Pleased to see they are getting on well together :cheers:
The picture of Lola on her grow bag is just lovely :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: and i love her colour :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

You certainly have a beautiful pair of whippets Helen :thumbsup:
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Awwww they look so lovely together :wub: :wub: :wub:
:wub: :wub: they look gorgeous Helen, love the one where Lola is using Josie as a pillow :wub: :wub:
:wub: :wub: Beautiful :wub: :wub:

love the grow bag too :lol:
Awww the beautiful Josie and the scrummy little Lola :wub: :wub: ......just lovely :D
Lovely :wub: Just love Lola's colour
Aw, they look great together :wub:

Would love to know - was it as easy or more difficult, than you anticipated having another whip. They really look as if they get on, but am sure they have their moments!!!

I know when I have brought another cat into the household, am always excited at the prospect, but then feel really sick that I may have upset the normality. It usually works ok in the end after a bit of disruption, but wondered if this would be the same if we got another whippie in the future,
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Thank you all for the lovely comments :b

Rae - Lola is actually much smaller than Josie (about the size of a cat!) but she does look big in those pictures. I think it's my rubbish technique with the camera :- "

Deb said:
Aw, they look great together :wub:
Would love to know - was it as easy or more difficult, than you anticipated having another whip.  They really look as if they get on, but am sure they have their moments!!!

I know when I have brought another cat into the household, am always excited at the prospect, but then feel really sick that I may have upset the normality. It usually works ok in the end after a bit of disruption, but wondered if this would be the same if we got another whippie in the future,

I would say that's exactly it, Deb - a bit of disruption, a couple of weeks of broken sleep getting up at 3am for the wee break (although she slept through til 6.30 this morning!) and the house is messier, and there's always a play-fight going on with noise and roo-roo-ing. But things have settled down between the two whippets very quickly and easily. I think things will be even better next week when the children are back at school and we can get some kind of routine going, and then even better than that when Lola has had all her jabs and we can go out walking :thumbsup:

I wouldn't say it was easier than I thought it would be, and I am completely tired-out from having to have eyes in the back of my head, but it's so fabulous having two lovely girls that all the negative bits are cancelled out. It's great fun just standing and watching them interact - I could do that for hours :D

And of course it's brilliant to have K9 to show off pictures and read everybody's nice comments :lol:
~Helen~ said:
there's always a play-fight going on with noise and roo-roo-ing
<sigh> My favourite sound ever ... I could liston to roo-roos all day and all night ... :wub:

They're looking very settled together, and what a beautiful face Lola has - really really pretty. Not that I'm jealous, oooooooh nooooooo ... :- " :lol:
:wub: :wub: FANTASTIC :wub: :wub:

You must be really happy with her progress.
Just catching up with k9 after my holiday and just had to say

how [SIZE=21pt]gorgeous[/SIZE] your two girls look together Helen :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
~Helen~ said:
Aaaah! Peace at last!  :lol:

look, you have got to stop putting pics like this on. its just not on. :))

how am i expected to concentrate, ??? :wub: :wub:

its rediculous, good job im at work and sitting down, otherwise i would be in a heap on the office floor! :b

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

thanks tho!