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My First Whippet


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Hi all. I have just become a new owner of a beautiful 14 week old whippet called Alfie.

He is adorable and a real character. My two other dogs are pugs aged 18 months and nearly 3.

99% of the time he is fine with then. But occasionally he plays really rough biting the backs of their necks

And pulling them down. I have tried a firm no and also taking him away from the

With a toy distraction. I know pack structure has to be sorted but they do not retaliate and I don't

want the problem to escalate. Has anyone else had similar problems. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure what to suggest . All my whippets have played fairly roughly in this manner .

I don't think it's about pack structure it's just the way they play ?

My miniature poodle is just as bad and more than able to hold her own .

Do the pugs not tell him off ?
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I'm not sure what to suggest . All my whippets have played fairly roughly in this manner .I don't think it's about pack structure it's just the way they play ?

My miniature poodle is just as bad and more than able to hold her own .

Do the pugs not tell him off ?
Thanks for the reply. No they are pretty laid back and don't tell him off. I am sure

with time things will probably even out. They are just a different character. He is absolutely

fab though.
Hi there, and welcome to the wonderful world of whippets :thumbsup:

I have two - Spooky (5 years) and Scout (17 months).

They both get a bit rough (and quite noisy) when playing together. When Scout was little, she was a devil for hanging around Spooky's neck. Spooks put up with so much, but when he'd had enough, he let her know. She still jumps all over him, but I do stop her when she gets too boisterous as Spooks is not very good at sticking up for himself. Mind you, when he's in the mood for a bit of rough play, he eggs her on a bit - it's mayhem in the house at times (w00t)

They do calm down in time - usually at about the age of 12, I'm reliably informed :lol:
I think all Whippet pups can play quite roughly with their canine family, be it other Whippets or another breed.

The best way they learn is by getting a telling off from the older dogs, they don't usually stop until that happens. Two of our older dogs have no qualms in telling off a 'brand new' 8 week old puppy and it only takes one or two tellings off for the pup to learn that bouncing off their heads isn't a sensible idea!

However, a couple of the others will take and take and take a beating from the pups for months before they get fed up. Our 7 month old pup is quite boisterous to say the least and his older cousin (3 years) has only just started to discipline him (now the pup has got bigger and stronger than him).

You are doing the right thing by distracting him away from the undesirable behaviour but hopefully your Pugs were help you (and themselves) out and teach him some manners before too long.
Thanks to all for your help and advice. He is slightly better but forgets himself occasionally although he is just a baby. My male pug is just too much of a baby to tell him off but my female who is extremely small for a pug does tell him. However sometimes because she is so small he ignores and thats where I intervene.

Having never had a whippet before I am just coming to realise what a great breed they are and great fun.