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My Camera Has Arrived


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OK. My 2nd hand 'good as new' camera from an ebay seller finally arrived today (2 weeks after I won and paid for it).

It seems to work OK (although I am graduating from a Kodak Brownie to a Canon EOS 350D SLR so I don't really have a clue (w00t) :lol: :lol: )

However, I am very concerned that the front of the lens seems to have had the coating rubbed off quite extensively and scratched and, from doing some research, I understand that this can affect the quality of the photographs??

I went to a local photographic shop today to enquire about this but they refused to discuss it with me because I hadn't bought the camera from them :- " (don't think I'll buy one from them in the future either with that attitude - advice costs nothing but it can sometimes lead to a profitable relationship)

Anyway - just wondered whether anyone on here could tell me what the prognosis is for a lens with this sort of 'damage' as I am considering sending the camera back and getting a refund.

Thanks guys ..... I know I've made a mistake buying this camera off ebay so next time I shall buy a new one !!! :lol: :thumbsup:
Did it mention about this in the description jinny? if not I would email the seller about it, because it's not the done thing, if he says 'good as new' it has to be exactley that or it is false advertising,if he doesnt offer any solution I would email ebay and complain and sort it through paypal, I'm not sure how it works but I think you should have some sort of backup if you've paid for it through them and he can refund you in the same way as you paid him,

I wouldnt send him back the camera until you have the refund, because he will also be covered by paypal if he didnt get the camera( I know he will but you dont want to send the camera back then not get your money) he doesnt seem very honest so you need to cover yourself. :thumbsup:

Could it have been done in transit? if so did you pay postal insurance?

My hubby has the same camera and it been allover and has no scratches whatsoever so I don't know what this fella has been doing with his because they are pretty tough cameras :unsure:

Hope it works out for you :thumbsup:
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Thanks Lesley :)

No chance of it having been done in the post. It def looks like he's tried to clean it with a brillo pad!!!!! Never said anything in the description other than the spec and that it was 'good as new'

I've already messaged him to say I'm not happy and will he confirm that he will do a full refund plus return postage but haven't heard back yet. I will file a complaint is he doesn't respond by Monday (give him the weekend).

Hey Ho - got to wait a bit longer for more Jinny photos!!
some sellers think they can just pass on crap and get away with it :rant: ,i would definatley want my money back,the lens is no good in that condition and to get any decent photos all lens should be spotless to be able to focus on the subject.
What a bloomin pain Jane....that man wants stopping from selling on Ebay. I do hope you get your refund ok.. :luck: :luck:

It must have been so dissapointing for you after the wait too.. :(
I def agree with the above and you should contact ebay asap if you get no satisfaction from the vendor (and by the sounds of him,I can't see him being very accomodating!!)

Good Luck,it's a lot of money to have parted with for a camera that is'nt really usable! :(
Is there not a way of passing a complaint to ebay as well about this seller and his dodgy dealings? :(
we had a really bad experience with a e-bay seller about a year envolved quite alot of money and the item arrived and was in very poor condition :angry:

it took quite a while to get sorted, but resulted in us getting our money back and the seller never being able to sell on e-bay again (loads of other complaints as well, but no one ever took it further)

some people just try to take the p*** :rant:
I too am I bit fed up with ebay, I went to pick something up and got bitten by the vendor's dog in their garden. I beat a hasty retreat and the rest of the conversation was shouted over the fence. They expressed no sympathy and didn't even ask to see the bite, luckily it was only a scratch, but I would have been mortified if my dog was loose and bit a visitor.
Thanks for your comments, everyone! Here's a quick update ........

Think this ebayer may be a problem as he hasn't replied to my message (sent yesterday). Guess I'll have to go down the route of getting ebay involved. He's a relatively new ebayer (only got feedback of 13 so far) so I expect he'll stop selling after this anyway (w00t)

He's probably spent the money already :angry:

I did try the camera out last night but got to wait for my husband to get home with his laptop to download them. My computer does not allow me to do this onto it 'cos it's a work computer and they deny us the facility to connect other hardware to their machine!)

I'll see how the pics come out and decide whether I go for a full or part refund, 'cos the camera body is in good condition and if I get a part refund then I could get a new telephoto lens for it - wey hey!!! :D :thumbsup:
what does the pics look like on the screen and does the lens focus ok???
trish g said:
what does the pics look like on the screen and does the lens focus ok???
They look OK on the camera screen, trish. And the view through the viewfinder seems clear enough. Autofocus seems to work fine but I haven't got as far as using manual focus properly - just fiddled with the moving bits!!!! LOL!
jinnyfizz said:
trish g said:
what does the pics look like on the screen and does the lens focus ok???
They look OK on the camera screen, trish. And the view through the viewfinder seems clear enough. Autofocus seems to work fine but I haven't got as far as using manual focus properly - just fiddled with the moving bits!!!! LOL!

might be ok then, :luck: but if your not satisfied you best trying to get some money back.

wont be long before you will want a zoom lens,get one with the image stabilizer built in,well worth that little bit more :thumbsup:
jinnyfizz said:
I'll see how the pics come out and decide whether I go for a full or part refund, 'cos the camera body is in good condition and if I get a part refund then I could get a new telephoto lens for it - wey hey!!!  :D   :thumbsup:
I was thinking that yesterday. If it's the standard 18-55mm lens that comes with the camera, they're not that brilliant anyway. You'd really want to invest in a better lens at some point. Frankly I'd buy Canon SLR's without the lens (body only) and buy a decent one if I could do it again. If you can't stomach any further contact with this person, cut your losses, give him a poor rating and get a decent lens (providing the body works OK). It's the lens that is the most important part of the camera when it comes to good quality photos.
Nicola said:
jinnyfizz said:
I'll see how the pics come out and decide whether I go for a full or part refund, 'cos the camera body is in good condition and if I get a part refund then I could get a new telephoto lens for it - wey hey!!!  :D   :thumbsup:

I was thinking that yesterday. If it's the standard 18-55mm lens that comes with the camera, they're not that brilliant anyway. You'd really want to invest in a better lens at some point. Frankly I'd buy Canon SLR's without the lens (body only) and buy a decent one if I could do it again. If you can't stomach any further contact with this person, cut your losses, give him a poor rating and get a decent lens (providing the body works OK). It's the lens that is the most important part of the camera when it comes to good quality photos.

Yes, that's the one - 18-55mm. It came as a kit so it's only the basic end of the lens market. Think I'll try to get money back from him and invest in a decent lens as the body is in excellent nick :D

Anyone got any suggestions which one is best for whippet photography??? :- "
jinnyfizz said:
Nicola said:
jinnyfizz said:
I'll see how the pics come out and decide whether I go for a full or part refund, 'cos the camera body is in good condition and if I get a part refund then I could get a new telephoto lens for it - wey hey!!!  :D   :thumbsup:

I was thinking that yesterday. If it's the standard 18-55mm lens that comes with the camera, they're not that brilliant anyway. You'd really want to invest in a better lens at some point. Frankly I'd buy Canon SLR's without the lens (body only) and buy a decent one if I could do it again. If you can't stomach any further contact with this person, cut your losses, give him a poor rating and get a decent lens (providing the body works OK). It's the lens that is the most important part of the camera when it comes to good quality photos.

Yes, that's the one - 18-55mm. It came as a kit so it's only the basic end of the lens market. Think I'll try to get money back from him and invest in a decent lens as the body is in excellent nick :D

Anyone got any suggestions which one is best for whippet photography??? :- "

Your best bet Jayne is going into your nearest camera dealer and check out the lenses, some of them are quite heavy, what i use is the canon 55-200 just nice

keith :luck:
Nicola said:
jinnyfizz said:
I'll see how the pics come out and decide whether I go for a full or part refund, 'cos the camera body is in good condition and if I get a part refund then I could get a new telephoto lens for it - wey hey!!!  :D   :thumbsup:

I was thinking that yesterday. If it's the standard 18-55mm lens that comes with the camera, they're not that brilliant anyway. You'd really want to invest in a better lens at some point. Frankly I'd buy Canon SLR's without the lens (body only) and buy a decent one if I could do it again. If you can't stomach any further contact with this person, cut your losses, give him a poor rating and get a decent lens (providing the body works OK). It's the lens that is the most important part of the camera when it comes to good quality photos.

In the case of Digital cameras it's not so much the lens (although that is hugely important- obviously- as that is the "eye") it's the size & quality of the CMOS chip that processes the image quality that is most important.

Sorry to hear you've had a bad experience with E bay - personally I would only deal with someone that's got real top marks for trading.

I'd ask for a refund myself, and start over again, this time getting it right - but check first to see how many exposures the camera has had as well.