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My Brothers Sam & Bertie


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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you ........ "

Yay - we are 1 year old today, and official members of the racing fraternity :huggles:

I know Bertie has had his present already - a chewy lollipop - but I have yet to see what old skinflint has bought for ME!

I DO have a birthday erm ... pork chop ... although he didn't manage to stick a candle on it!

So happy birthday to you two - I'm off to see if I can find a prezzy somewhere!

Love to all

Frankie Wishingstar :p
Blimey a whole year already ........Where doe's the time go ?? :blink: .........Happy Birthday boy's :cheers:
:cheers: :D :lol: :p :thumbsup: :wub: happy birthday Frankie Sam and Bertie, all the very best for this year, and good luck to all three of you ;) ;) ;)

here's looking at you kids :huggles:

lol dad (Fuller) xxxxxxxxx
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Bah no prezzy .... still, I did get 2 pork chops so thats ok :)

Hi auntie Shaz .... say hello to me dad ... I'm his number one son :) Well first one anyway!
you certainly are my boy :D :D TWO pork chops (w00t) hope I get as good as that on my birthday (tomorrow) :- " :- " last year all I got was a new collor and a sloppy kiss, (much prefer chops :lol: ) anyways, keep well, and keep ragging, all the best (dad) :huggles: