At whippet racing meetings I have noticed on many occasions that people rub stuff onto the dog's legs and massage them before they run. How useful is it . In fact ,what is it and where would I get it from? many thanks.
I suspect that they are massaging in a liniment (I've probably spelt it wrong!). It helps to "warm" up the dogs muscles, preventing a sprain/strain from the physical exertion of the race.I think it is also a good idea to massage your dog after the race as well, I think liniment is available from shops like Countrywide Stores, used to be called West Midlands Farmer. Check with someone more experienced than me though!
A lot of racers use Curaco & Alco Ectalin they are spirit based linaments that help warm the muscules before a race/course and is also good after a run to help relax the muscules.
there are several differant brands available for the job,
you can get them from the Greyhound Mega Store & from most good horse shops (tack shops)
I would have thought they'd have it in Mark, the site i gave is the makers so i would have thought it be a bit cheaper (if you could get on that is). It is like gel and dries on the dogs really quick where as Curacho took ages to rub dry(and i were never convinced it actually warmed the dogs up). Trainers Choice & Alco Ectolin both warm your hands so you know it works.
Ha, i can remember first getting it and giving all the dogs a good rub down one day, i must have touched my face and the next thing i looked like a beetroot and it didn't half sting, I wouldn't like to think how sore you were - Bet you liked it really !!
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