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Muscle Building Exercises


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I'm wanting to build up the muscles on my bitch in order that she can twist and turn more tightly. Has anyone got any suggestions?
:sweating: i believe fast road work,around 3to4 miles as a main walk each day up banks if you have any where you exercise. with hand slips on field aboat 80 yds up bank a couple of times aweek work up 3 or 4 slips each time. with good food i like chicken/ sardines diet.should see difference 4-6 weeks.

some people like to give plenty of field work the dogs love it,a bit of bunny work. i find my dog tends to pick up injurys as he is very aggresive in the field. yet my bitch no problem.

also depends how many times your dog races a week. you need to find what works best for your dog. intersting to try and keep your dog fit but fresh.

creatine builds up muscle but could cause problem,not to sure about this but i sure someone will fill you in.there many types of greyhound supplements to build a dog up its finding the best one???

best of luck :sweating:
Hiya Frisbee, welcome to K9 :)

Firstly how old is your bitch? Some bitches do take a bit longer to fill out and muscle up.

I agree with David in that its plenty of roadwork as well as slips, and chicken and fresh meat. If you can get chicken mince boil it in water and keep the water as stock to soak in racer food (if thats what you use).

Creatine is effective in greyhounds (not personally had to use it with whippets yet :teehee: ) although you should use other supplements with it.

Try pm'ing Northolm about it as she sells it and she could advise you accordingly :thumbsup:

Here's the website link: Northolm Supplies