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Muffin And The Pillow!


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I know I probably shouldn't allow him to get away with this but it's interesting to see how much fluff is inside a pillow! :wacko: And to think that I'm talking about getting another puppy! :eek:

awwwwwwwww,naughty puppy! (w00t) :D
Oh, we've been there.......two whippets plus feather pillow! Look what we've done for you Mummy! (w00t)
Mine have a thing for duvets with the same results!! I think they do it deliberately so they can end up with it in their bed! :rant:
His face expression says:

Me? Meee? No - it must be a mistake - I am completely innocent!! :- "
Shouldn't laugh I know Gillian but can't help it :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm sure with another pup around he wouldn't find time to destuff pillows (w00t) :lol:

Couldn't help thinking at least it wasn't filled with feathers. I musn't let my pup Joe see this (w00t)
Nicola said:
I'm sure with another pup around he wouldn't find time to destuff pillows (w00t)   :lol:
Couldn't help thinking at least it wasn't filled with feathers. I musn't let my pup Joe see this (w00t)

He did have a go at the feather-stuffed cushion as well last night but I decided to take that off him. I think it must have been revege that made him go after the pillow! :p

I think Muffin decided to kill the pillow in protest after your niece and nephew invaded his nice safe crate !!! :lol: :lol:
Destuffing things .... NO .. Ive never heard of a whippet that does this - yours must be unique :- " :- " :- "

:lol: :oops: Im telling fibbs of course :lol:
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He's thinking Wow, did all that fluffy white stuff come out of that tiny cushion. Now he really couldn't help himself once that first tiny bit of fluffy stuff appeared now could he. :- "

Least it wasn't a bean bag full of millions of those lovely little polystyrene balls.
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This really made me laugh! It's that expression, like butter wouldn't melt...I know it well, but Willow usually trots off wth one of my pink fluffy slippers (I think I will give them to her for Christmas). Lets help they don't all progress on to de-stuffing pillows :))

Muffin is seriously good at de-stuffing, I'm sure his talent could be put to use in some way, I don't know what yet, I'll ask Sparky and he can check on his computer.

quintessence said:
Muffin is seriously good at de-stuffing, I'm sure his talent could be put to use in some way, I don't know what yet, I'll ask Sparky and he can check on his computer.

That would be great! Thank Sparky for me. Muffin could definitely do with having his energy channelled into something more constructive (as opposed to destructive)! :thumbsup:
