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Most Embarrasing Moments


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My Flora has......

Was at the k9 meet at morton on the marsh and the night before she had stolen a tray of burnt pork scratching...

I thought we had got away with her guts not suffering but at the meet in front of a very well to do woman and her freind she did a jet black super runny (impossible to pick up) poo... god knows what they must have thought we had been feeding her

Oh yes!!

50p once stuck his head up a womens skirt while we were looking at a book stall at a show!! (w00t) Its a good job I had hold of the lead and not Richard (w00t)
Think one of my most embarrassing moments was when we had some rather posh people here & Murph pinched a packet of Tampax out of her handbag & chewed them up (w00t) ,then later,he came downstairs & ran in the room with a pair of my knickers in his gob :wacko:

flyn's a devil for sticking his nose up ladies skirts :oops:
my big black greyhound shelbey was the worrest iv had. we were shopping at morcombe market we had had the dogs on the beach earlier so they were all well eptyued or so i thought I was just about to pic some cards at a card stall heard the sound of running water looked and shelby was peeing all over the wrapping papper disply I could have died think he did the bigest wee i have ever seen him do

luckaly we offerd to pay for the papper and the stall holder was fine about it but the time we left she was getting a greyhound rescue collection tin for her stall :lol:
pinched a packet of Tampax out of her handbag
Oh 50p has done that at my mums when they had visitors, why is it is alway posh people they do it too?
Sparky has chewed one of the seats of our settee, being basically very normal people we just turn it over and forget about it. (w00t) However, we had some visitors last week and Sparky was playing the fool showing off when suddenly he dived under the cushion next to the one our visitor was sitting on and came out with a mouthful of settee filling in his mouth. I really couldn't find the words so I just took it off him and took him and the settee innards into the kitchen and retuned with a bottle of wine, some glasses and a whippet on a lead.

I daren't tell you about our last visit to ringcraft, I haven't been back since.

Oh go on Jenny, tell us. (w00t)
Just the ususal stuff - stealing a sarnie from someone's picnic (Vader).....eating one of our other dog's poo infront of our customers (Star)......cocking HER leg up a childs sandcastle (Holly) ........ :b :b :b

Doncha just love em :- "

Dying ot know what happened at ring craft :clown:
At our only attempt at lure coursing little black Tess set out at a slow canter, stopped at about 50m slowly and deliberately went to the loo (the sort to be picked up) except I couldn't find it, she then trotted slowly back to me looking very pleased with herself. Then Nana ran- very fast and well- but as soon as she stopped she did exactly the same. In the afternoon we had a repeat performance on all fronts (except that it was the sort that doesn't need to be picked up). What makes it worse was that I had already taken them for a walk and thought that they had done everything necessary.

Though having said that it was our only attempt, we had previously tried simulted coursing at a game fair- again Nana excelled- Tess went about 5m stopped, spun round and jumped into my arms.

I also take them to our local greyhound schooling track for a bit of galloping and Tess amused them so much, but stopping, gambolling around, jumping the barriers etc, on her first run she got it for free.

But she has now seen the point of racing and our latest embarrassment was her slipping her collar to join a greyhound on the track.

Talk about from one extreme to another

But I have found horses equally bad. My first horse spent most of her life refusing to jump, but at the age of 14 I couldn't cope with this so I still went to all the pony club events and had a go. However she was rather good at dressage. So at the competitions at the end of camp while I expected to be humilliated during the jumping I thought I'd redeem our honour during the dressage. The jumping went as expected i.e. very little jumping and a lot of fancy foot work. The dressage however was unexpected- started very well, then all of a sudden we were jumping the fencing out of the outdoor school- at a good 3'6" (if not more). :oops:
nothing can create an embarrasing moment better than a dog...

standing at bus-stop with blu when i lived in eastbourne... bus comes... the very second we go to get on she does the hugest "pickupable" ever taking all of about 10 minutes....

bus driver wasnt impressed... passengers trying to get on and off the bus wasnt impressed...

to find I had run out of bags left me even more unimpressed...

ended up using a tiny crisp packet...

not recommended

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Jasper ran up behind a 80 year old women who was making her way down the grave yard with a zimmer frame and stuck his head right up her skirt (w00t) .

Her screams brought people running from all directions :b

Savvy was about a year old. We don't have a dining table at ours - we have wooden TV tables/trays. I was invited to lunch (with the dogs) to a lady's home who I had met on the internet. She made us a wonderful Thai meal, and we sat down to eat. Savvy was fascinated by what might be going on up there on the table and without warning sprang (from a 4 legged stand) straight up in the air, levitated across and landed in the middle of the dining table (luckily not touching anything). I was mortified (though I thought it was hysterical).

She was very nice about it, but we lost touch and I wasn't invited back. I wonder if it was me or the hooligan whippets! :b

digzoils said:
Jasper ran up behind a 80 year old women who was making her way down the grave yard with a zimmer frame and stuck his head right up her skirt (w00t) .Her screams brought people running from all directions :b


:lol: :lol: :lol: That must have been so funny, probally not at the time though.
William my greyhound was at Crufts this year and nothing would make him go for a wee even though he was bursting.He was just not going to go were other dogs had been or on the sawdust. I borrowed a discover dogs pass from a friend and took him outside were eventually he did a teaspoon full .

All went well we found our ring and went into our class gaining third but we had bee asked to join a handling demonstration in the Dogs Day Out ring. We had to rush from our ring to discover dogs the other side of the show.We went into the ring were he stood and moved well considering he found the ring a little to tight for him But then he couldn't go any longer he stood there spread his legs and did the biggest wee imaginable.It must have took about 5 minutes poor duck must have been bursting but he just would not do anything in the exercise areas.OH said I went bright red and didn't know were to look fortunately he does not cock his leg (he falls over if he tries) he stoops like a bitch so I don't think many people realised what he did :- " :oops:
oakmoorehill said:
William my greyhound was at Crufts this year and nothing would make him go for a wee even though he was bursting.He was just not going to go were other dogs had been or on the sawdust. I borrowed a discover dogs pass from a friend and took him outside were eventually he did a teaspoon full .
  All went well we found our ring and went into our class gaining third but we had bee asked to join a handling demonstration in the Dogs Day Out ring. We had to rush from our ring to discover dogs the other side of the show.We went into the ring were he stood and moved well considering he found the ring a little to tight for him But then he couldn't go any longer he stood there spread his legs and did the biggest wee imaginable.It must have took about 5 minutes poor duck must have been bursting but he just would not do anything in the exercise areas.OH said I went bright red and didn't know were to look fortunately he does not cock his leg (he falls over if he tries) he stoops like a bitch so I don't think many people realised what he did  :- "  :oops:

awwwwwwww poor William :lol: :lol: poor you :b
we were on the beach once with the dogs and Blue(now at rainbow bridge) cock his leg on a man while he was bending down :b i'm sure he thought he was a big rock :- " we just walk on quick :sweating: hoping he did,nt feel it :oops:
dogs causing embarrassing moments?how long have you got? :- "
Well, there was the time Austin did a massive poo on the carpet in the open plan office at work and the poor receptionist nearly puked (she was on the phone to some intense client and couldn't move away :lol: ) and all the clients smirked while I cleaned it up ... or the time he jumped out of the car over the parcel shelf and came running across a field to 'help' me treat a cow ... or the time he ate a pair of my knickers (had only just met OH and it was almost all over before it started!) ...

Maisie doesn't do stuff like that. Ever. :b
OEH said:
kris said:
dogs causing embarrassing moments?how long have you got? :- "

as long as you need.........

ok here we go,just a few to keep you going!there was the time i just started going out with hubs and we were in his flat and had guests and his dog walked into the living room carrying a vibrator. :b and no,before you ask it wasnt mine!then there was my dobermann stud dog rusty who when a very prim and proper lady brought her bitch down to be mated we were having a cuppa in the living room and a chat prior to doing the wicked deed (she didnt want to be present thank you very much!)and i brought rusty in who smelling the bitch on the lady promptly went into overdrive and clamped his forelegs round her waist and despite all efforts by hubs and myself we couldnt pry him off till hed finished if you know what i mean! :b :x once was enough, the lady never came back.then there was the time a friend whod bought a greyhound from ireland and raced him successfully over here asked for my help with mating his first bitch as hed tried before and the dog didnt have a clue (and neither did the owner) :- " so they brought the dog down with the propsective 'bride'and we tried everything apart from dressing the bitch up in stockings and suspenders.anyway i got the dirty job as usual at the rear end of the bitch playing cupid with the dog,who when he did catch on to what he was supposed to do,became a trifle overenthusiastic and before i knew it he was done.but not where he should have been if you know what i mean :b :- " (im gonna write a book one day called the joys of owning your own stud dog) ;) then there was the time we took one of our chickens to the vet with a sore leg in a chicken cup a soup box,and as the vet(newly qualified) opened the box asking and now who do we have here?(obviously expecting a puppy in the box)and out flew a very angry chicken straight into the vets face who promptly screamed and ran out of the room (w00t) all the above stories are true,ask wild whippies :D