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Most Disgusting Thing That Your Dog Has Rolled In


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When our Hamish was a lad - he once rolled in a half decomposed kangaroo - as he was rolling in it the bones moved and he got the biggest fright - I'm sure he thought that it had come back to life :oops:

We were about 3 hour drive from home and we had a new car :( ..... that dog stank so badly but he didn't think so - it was like Chanel to him o:)
Nothing as exotic as Kangaroo here :))

Just the normal for the seaside dead fish, half eaten slimey things from

the sea, slugs and of course shite from any animal on the planet
Same as Ann for us VERY dead, half decomposed fish at the beach which is very pleasant when you are in the caravan as you can imagine :x

Kane usually has a black neck everyday from the fox poo in the woods o:) and he found a lambs leg there the other week which smelt disgusting :x :x
Believe it or not - rotting mushrooms!!!

We have giant mushrooms (I think they're called chicken-of-the-woods or something) and when they rot down in the early Autumn the smell is FOUL :x :x :x

It's TRULY disgusting but the dogs LOVE it :teehee:

The good thing tho, compared to fox-poo which they also love, the mushroom is quite easy to wash off. I just baby-wipe them when we get back to the car but it's so squishy it gets under their collars and covers them from head to toe :x

Oh, edited to say; the iggies would never dream of rubbing in this stuff.. in fact they rarely roll but Zoomie once rolled in a freshly planted, steaming Weimeraner poo and got it under his collar and under his coat and inside his ears - the smell made me vomit on the verge of the track (w00t) :lol: We had to dunk him in the burn (dyke) before we could lead him up and take him home so that I wouldn't be sick again.
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The funny thing is all my girls roll in fox~poo but,my boys never do.

The girls always get it all in their collars and all down one side of their necks. :x
fox poo and dead worms are a fav of our lot :x :x

and flo found a dead mouse at the yard once and was rolling around like mad on that (w00t)
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Danny rolled in human poo!!!! ann glews and huby thought it was hilarious!!!!! :x

other than that just the normal dead stinky vile things they can find :x
Sorry if I have started a gross out
one of mine rolled in a dead seagull once :x
I wouldn't mind mine rolling in the dead seagull as much

as i minded them running of and eating one :x
Well apart from the kangaroo & funny mushrooms, my lovely Hebe has rolled in all of the above :x

The worst had to be the human poo, which she very kindly allowed her Standard Poodle friend to share with her.

Hebes Top 10 Vile Things to Roll in...

1. Human Poo

2. Decomposing drowned sheep. (she also ate some of this & wasn't even slightly ill)

3. Dead & very very liquid seagull. (whilst miles from anywhere & she had to go back into the car)

4. Cow Pat

5.Dead duck. Again she was willing to share with Black Lab friend.

6.Dead fish. Bizarrely miles from any river :blink:

7.Dead frog.

8.Dead mouse.

9.Unidentified dead things :blink:

10. Fox poo. I'm quite relieved if it's only a bit of fox poo to be honest.

Scrumpy only rolls every now & then & luckily Rafferty (Bedlington, all those curls) has never ever rolled in anything.
Winston will roll in something everytime we go out unless he is kept on a lead. I don't know how he finds it but he does, yesterday he rolled in something that I have never smelt before - god knows what it was :x Lily has never rolled in anything - she's a proper little lady :*
:rant: well blue and ollie just rolled in fox poo on there walk :rant: :x in a right state they are :x :x not the worst they have rolled in thou ,i think wen ollie rolled on a dead rat was worst i was wretching all way home :x
Reading this im glad im not the only one with a dog that does things like this when out

Only last week when I was out with Penny did she stick her nose in the air and run to something that must have smelt nice to her, all we could see were her legs in the air. When she got up she had this horrible big chunk of something stuck to her I think it must have been fox poo but it smelt horrible, I had to try and scrape big chunks off with a stone, we had to drive home with the windows down and it was bath time for her and the collar when we got in.
What is it with girl whippets and fox poo - I mean does it drive the boys dogs crazy or something?
Fox poo and bird poo and come to think of it anything smelly and disgusting :x :x
i think the 2 worst for dana is human poo ( when the fair is in town) and once she managed to roll in a long dead was quite funny looking back.

i was walkin on the field near the pond in sherdley park when i saw her going for gold in the bushes, thinking she had found a bit of duck poo as she dose most days i just called her back to me. she came running over with this dead proud look on her face she was well made up with herself, i looked like she just had one small skid on her shoulder....till she turned round...she was covered from ear to tail in rotting grey intestines dangeling off her :x

so i get a stick and im trying to scrap them off her and she thinks this is a great game and keeps fighting with the stick so i end up taking her over to the pond and throw her in, and im trying to scrub her down with handfulls of leaves, retching the hole time cos im getting a full blast of the smell and calling her every dirty sod under the sun. there is this little old lady on the bank near wetting herself laughing at me when to add insult to injury a bloody swan comes over and starts having a go at me :D

needless to say by the time i got her home i just tied her up outside and scrubbed her about 4 times.

i think the worst bit was trying to take off her collar but the buckle was full of now dried guts and i had to pick them out with my nails :x :x

its a good job we love them aint it :x :lol:
pmsl!Em,i think youve won 1st prize! :lol:
so do all your whippets have baths eveytime they go out for a walk or do yous keep a babywipes or somthing in the car??