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Morroccan Feral Dog


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These photos were taken across the road from the apartment where we stayed in Casablanca over the Christmas period. There was a busy road on all 4 sides of the grassed area which was about 400 metres by 400 metres and by the look of the mum she had been hit by a passing car at least once. Her temperament though was absolutely perfect allowing both myself and Zouhra to get close and even touch the pups who wee about two weeks old. We fed here each day but it looks as if she is managing to find food from elsewhere as she is not underweight at all. There were ten pups but two died within the first couple of days we were told. We even spotted a puppy about 5 weeks old wondering around on the same grassed area the the next day Lika as the locals called the mother dog seemed to adopt it and allowed it to sleep and feed with her pups.

Looking over from the apartment to the well where she kept the pups






awwww,bless them. :wub: dont give too much of a chance for the babies lives being so close to that road though. :(
Awww bless them :huggles: How sad that they are out there with no-one to love and care for them :(
aww poor things what chance do they have :(
Aww how sad.. :( Ill bet you felt like bringing them home, I know I would... :huggles:

I remember once on holiday in Tenerife, I had never seen so many dead dogs on their motorway.. :( :(
Oh what a lovely girl- she has such a serene expression :wub:

The pups look really well too- though don't like to think of what will happen to them when they grow up :(

Liz and the Monellis
She's a bonny dog...I'm envious of where she lives..Oh lovely sun/warmth :sweating:

I've got lots of pics of dogs/pups from my holidays over the years-

funny bunch aren't we?

When I was 12 we came across a pup in Spain (he was tied to a pomegranate tree in a garden)-my brother and I visited him everyday with food scraps etc.-we called him Sam. :wub:
