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(w00t) We've just won the BRONZE team event!!

Okay it's not a gold but it's a medal still!

Gotta feel sorry for Zoe missing all the fun :(

Fingers crossed for the individuals :huggles: :lol:
Thats great new's :thumbsup:

who's zoe :unsure:
They did really well and deserved their team bronze :D . Felt really sorry for Mary King though as she was well set up for a good individual medal until she had those 2 fences down :( .
Tina Cook won bronze in the individual :D
GUTTED to have missed it on TV, but I am sure there will be chance for me to watch repeats at some stage.

Congrats to team GB :cheers: for winning a medal.

I always feel the equestrian disciplines show the mark of true athletes and sportsmen as not only do the riders have to be good at what they do, they also have the unpredictability of a horse to contend with.

Off track slightly, but my sister was lucky enough to participate in the Opening Ceremony of the Seoul Games as her boss was representing GB in the dressage. :)
peony said:
I always feel the equestrian disciplines show the mark of true athletes and sportsmen as not only do the riders have to be good at what they do, they also have the unpredictability of a horse to contend with. and the weather
totally agree...ive watched bits of it...and its been great, those horses just love it
hely said:
Thats great new's :thumbsup:
who's zoe :unsure:

Good grief how thick am I :blink: :teehee: :lol:

My hands don't type what my brain is thinking....

... I meant ZARA... as in Philips, who was dropped off the team when her horse was injured... good news for the lass who took her place though and won the individual bronze :lol: :thumbsup: