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Mmmm, Magnum!


Puppies for pleasure, not for Trade!
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Genie really wants an ice cream, but dad just isn't going to share!

poor Genie, she tried everything, sparklie-button eyes, lickie-lips, umbrella-ears, scratchy-nails, yip-yips and waggy-tail :*

but none of it worked - til dad dropped a bit of chocolate (w00t)

naughty but nice :- "

Mean daddy, who could resist :wub: :wub: :wub:
NEVER GIVE IN TO AN IGGY'S FOOD DEMANDS IT'S FATAL!!!!!!!!! (w00t) (w00t) I cannot believe how greedy Gucci is (and i'm used to Lurchers who i thought were bad but...) she just won't settle when food is about, her eyes are on stalks :blink: and she circles the table, in fact i'm sure the carpet is wearing thin!!
doris said:
she tried everything, sparklie-button eyes, lickie-lips, umbrella-ears, scratchy-nails, yip-yips and waggy-tail  :*

This is JUST what they do :lol: :lol: :lol: especially my whippet, the Supermodel :p She will even chase her tail (3.5 years old!) if she thinks it will help her case :teehee:
doris said:
poor Genie, she tried everything, sparklie-button eyes, lickie-lips, umbrella-ears, scratchy-nails, yip-yips and waggy-tail  :*

I loved that bit too. I could just picture her as you wrote that. Excellent :lol: