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Missing Whippet


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Breed: Whippet

Sex: Bitch

Colour: fawn

Description: Heidi bolted after hearing fireworks from her home in Maltby, S. Yorkshire on the 4th November. Heidi is MICROCHIPPED and may be hiding in someones shed or garden-please look out.

Age: 2 years

Region: North

Postcode: S66

Tagged: No

Chipped: Yes


Date: 5/11/2007

Please look out for this young girl.

Hope Heidi is found soon and back where she belongs. :luck: :luck: :luck:
Poor little girl. Lets hope she is found safe somewhere soon.
Poor Heidi :( Hope she gets home safe and sound very soon :luck: :luck:

Fricking horrid fireworks :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
Oh god,hope she found safe and well soon :luck: :luck:

Fireworks :rant: :rant:
Poor Heidi, Hoping that she is found safe and well very soon.

Good news for this whippet, Heidi is home :huggles: :)

Poor thing must have been terrified last night cos of the fireworks :( :rant: :rant:

Aleast she is safe now and back home :)

This is copied from the site :-

shes home, tired dirty and hungry, im so relieved, thank you guys

she just showed up at the back door at 5.30 am this morning !! she looks like shes spent the last 36 hours running, shes sleeping, poor love!
just reading this and was so saddened about her running off with fear poor love and thankfully it was short lived as she is home,great news for heidi and her owners :thumbsup:
Such a relief to hear Heidi is home and safe after her frightening ordeal. :huggles: :luck:
Oh, wonderful news!!! :D

That's so good to hear :thumbsup:
What a relief for her owners - such good news :))

Ban Fireworks - they are still going off now right outside my door - :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
(w00t) Whoohoo! great news! I agree about the fireworks - been constant since Friday :angry: 6.20 this morning some :rant: ***** :rant: let a couple off! Sounded like machine gun fire....didnt bother the dogs but it bloody annoyed me!!!
The sad fact is if you read the doglost pages over the last week there are hundreds of dogs that have run off, lost and still many missing because they have been spooked by fireworks :(

Fireworks cause so much distress and harm to humans and animals every year,

I will continue to sign the petitions to ban fireworks and eventually one day they might be banned from the public and there will only organised displays.

That's my rant over about fireworks :rant: :rant: :rant:
I'm glad to here this ended well... As for infringing on civil liberties... Hmm... Not going to get into that....
I'm so glad she is home safe & well :huggles:

Please god let them ban these damn fireworks soon. :(

Thankfully none of mine have run off BUT i have had 2 so distressed they have had bad tummies & sickness all over the weekend where they have been so stressed & one was so freaked out when she was out on the patio & a firework suddenly went off that she tried to throw herself through the glass door :(