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Missing Whippet - Rainham Essex


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My whippet Willow has been missing since 9.10am after he got scared by some other dogs and he pulled the lead out of my hand and was chased by one of the other dogs. I was over a country park and spent some time looking for him before making my way back to the car park. At the car park a car pulled in and the man told me he'd seen Willow running along the lane in the direction of the area where we live, so I drove along there but couldn't see him. Someone came out of their house and said they'd tried to grab him and had last seen him running along the lane with a while van driving behind him. I live about 1.5 miles from where he was last spotted but he hasn't made his way home and despite driving around all morning and stopping to walk around some spots we haven't had any luck. He is still wearing his harness with attached flexi lead/handle. He is chipped and my mobile number is on his collar. We have several people helping us look. I have got in touch with the dog warden and i'm about to look into Dog Lost but does anyone else have any suggestions?

try the local rescues/vets incase hes been dropped of?

so sorry i hope you find him soon :huggles:

:luck: :luck:
Jill how awful, if you need any help looking let me know ill come over or i can call any rescues or vets for you -

ill post this on as many forums as possible

i so hope he is found soon

How terrible

poster the area asap, get friends out to stick missing pictures everywhere

it really does get the message across and will make the whole community pull together for your little boy

All the luck in the world to you
Hoping with all my heart that you get your little lad back safe and well :luck: :luck: :luck:

Also ring around to local vet surgeries as sometimes people take them in to have the microchip read.
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Everything crossed that Willow is back with you soon.

Get in touch with your local police station as someone might take him there if he they find him.
Jill is doing some posters now, Willow has a tag with her telephone number and he is chipped - she has called the dog warden and local vets

no news yet - lots of people looking for him
Local radio - if there is a radio Essex would be a great way of spreading the word.

I will look up the number and see if we can get an email over to them. :)
:luck: :luck: :luck: hope you find your boy soon, safe and sound.

thanks Rachel, ive emailed the radio station

this is just awful, i so hope he is found soon - poor Jill and Willow
Anita i've just sent you a PM - I have good news - after over 6 hours of being on the missing list WILLOW HAS BEEN FOUND SAFE AND WELL!!!!

I cannot tell you how distraught we have been all day and to be honest I never expected to see him ever again, I was convinced he'd been picked up by someone dodgy who had no intention of returning him or he'd got injured and was laying hurt somewhere or tangled up by his lead.

He was found about half an hour ago running along another country lane about a mile away from where he was last spotted this morning (somewhere we'd driven down at least 4 times today) - thankfully a dog owner/lover spotted him and managed to corner him in a mechanics yard with the help of the yard owner. They called me to tell me and then the lady kindly drove him home to me. He was still wearing his harness but the handle to his flexi lead is missing so he may of got caught up somewhere for a while before chewing it off - he has a couple of scratches but other than that seems absoutely fine.

He is exhausted and thirsty - a bit like his owners! To say we are relieved is an understatement! I don't feel like I ever want to let him out the house again, you'd think he could come to no harm on a lead!!

Thanks to everyone for their support and advice and especially to Anita, sorry to of worried you!

Jill x
Jill the best news ever - poor Willow at least he had the sense to stay in the area - he has had an awful day

You must be exhausted as well

A huge big hug from us all here

Anita & mummy Lizzie

Bless him, i'm so pleased for you. The best outcome ever.
That is just such wonderful news ....... I've been so worried about Willow!

No doubt he will be getting very spoilt this evening, bless him :wub: :wub:
thank goodness he's back with you - so glad you've got him home.

Big hugs to Willow and all his relieved family.

Wonderful wonderful news.

Brother Rocco sends him welcome home licks!
thank god he's back safe and sound! how horrible for you.

Popsy was once chased onto the road by a german shepard, thankfully he ran home down the walkway and didn't run into the traffic, the stupid owner didn't even apologize
so pleased hes been found and back home safe

Fantastic news! :D So glad Willow is back safe and sound. :cheers: :huggles:
jill so glad your little man is home safe and sound now for the telling off no not realy just advice i had something like you dogs spotted a cat on the otherside of a busy rd i had the same flexi leads like you andf they just pulled striaght out of my hands and how they never got hit or caused injury to someone else and they have pulled b4 and i thought this grip dont feel right so to all that use flexi leads beaware