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Hi i have just heard some very disturbing news. Lurcher theives in wales search for a micro-chip in a lurcher and if they find one, they cut it out of the skin.

They do this by holding the chip and skin tightly together and cutting it straight off. This leaves the dog with a huge gash in it's skin. The dog must be traumatised after this, it's horrible. Can theives seriously do that?
Thats putting it mildly :x but then they've been known to alter tattoos or cut off the ear or bit of skin where the tattoo is so guess its much the same exept they've gotten hold of a scanner :( presume they have a scanner?
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Maybe they don't need a scanner? I can feel my two whippies' chips very easily, and could pinch them up in thumb and forefinger :(
well you can buy scanners- £200 i think roughly,

but i was talking to a falconer recently and he told me about microchips being zeroed-0000000000, so become pointless- very scary.... :blink:
I would'nt presume anyone who would steal someones sighthound would BUY a scanner :thumbsup: If you know what I mean :(

Just thinking back on someone once saying to me a double dunt was worth a shot - chip and that the visual deterant of a tattoo always there, push come to shove and it was altered or removed, would they think of a chip? By luck more as judgement I have never suffered a loss of a dog through theft, but have went through the mill with folks who have...word cannot describe :rant: And although I have pondered getting something done to id. never have :b I'm para. now!

Yes a few folk have said to me you can feel a chip :x I'm a bit funny that way and have never accepted the offer to check.
Callista's chip moved down along her shoulder blade to the joint with her upper arm, it is clearly visible from 6 paces. Dog thieves could have also stolen the scanner, though. :rant:
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Here you can see her chip just in the middle of the photo
Yup got it. :thumbsup: thanks for posting that

Was put off the whole chip thing slightly by stories of them 'migrating' and vets/rescue centres only checking (one's that have scanners/take time to look) in the obvious harm or slight intended.

Sad, sad world that we live in, i always go for rough/broken coats so it would'nt be obvious if it wandered, if it was in the first place on a wiry coat. figure if someone is hell bent on taking a dog, they will do so and cover the tracks well. If they strayed I'm fecked way it stands! Have to give this serious thought again :(
bappit said:
Yup got it. :thumbsup: thanks for posting that
Was put off the whole chip thing slightly by stories of them 'migrating' and vets/rescue centres only checking (one's that have scanners/take time to look) in the obvious harm or slight intended.

Sad, sad world that we live in, i always go for rough/broken coats so it would'nt be obvious if it wandered, if it was in the first place on a wiry coat. figure if someone is hell bent on taking a dog, they will do so and cover the tracks well. If they strayed I'm fecked way it stands! Have to give this serious thought again :(

I have contacted the microchip company and they assured me that stray dogs are scanned all over. The large places actually use a "tunnel" like you have to walk through in the airport, so if the chip migrates to the tip of tail it will still give reading (not that it is likely to do that!).

Callista's chip moved because i had her done too early, i did the whole litter before i sold them, thought i am doing the right thing by them, but they all moved :(
nurses and vets are aware now that the chips migrate- so when we get animals in they are scanned all over- even tho they detest it!

last month a lady came in with a 6 month old jrt to be speyed, she had just aquired the dog and s we were asking for any history- which she had none of, she seemed like she knew nothing of the dog, so we took the bitch through tobe sedated- and me and the other nurse scanned the pup and found a chip- we noted the number and rang the company- who gave us the name and address of her real owner!- we didnt know what to do.....

so we decided that we'd call the real owners, and the vet would ask the lady about whwere she got her from- she was extremely peed off that we had scanned her- saying that we needed her permission and all that

whilst that was happening i was talking to a very tearful, but relieved woman- luckily she was only 1 1/2 half away and set off straight away to come for her- phew!

in the end this lady would not co-operate one bit, so we told her the real owners were coming to see and collect the dog if it was hers, and so she made a real fuss, then just left!

this shows me that chips are worth it- and if they had cut that pups chip out- it would have been speyed and sent home with this lady it really didnt know!

sorry about long story!.... :oops:
Not at all maggiemills, good to know the chips are effective and you had the presence of mind to think there was something suss. :thumbsup:
Yes Gucci's has moved to the exact same spot as the picture above, but has not put me off having another dog done as she is the only dog i've known that this has happened... Hope this thread doesn't put some people off having their pets microchipped, i have found homes for a few escapees that would probably have never found their owner had they not been microchipped... :unsure:

Also i had to have her height measured at a recent agility show to see what height category she will be in when she starts competing, and they scan them if microchipped. Anyway i thought i wont tell them it's slipped and they found her chip straight away, though i appreciate she is only tiny and it's a different matter scanning a Great Dane!! :b