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Micro Chip Legislation


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we not all going to agree on this but ive got two lurchers that are not chipped and im not goin to bother, england and that idiot cameron says all dogs must be, well im not going to do it, yes i know it aids getting your dogs back safe i know that but its just him again telling me what ive got to do, its another con from the goverment, im a good owner who cares, loves and pays most fees, but i feel its the good owners again getting done by the shite owners , goverment get off your arse and stop bad owners form having dogs who aint go a clue. rant over , any views?
we not all going to agree on this but ive got two lurchers that are not chipped and im not goin to bother, england and that idiot cameron says all dogs must be, well im not going to do it, yes i know it aids getting your dogs back safe i know that but its just him again telling me what ive got to do, its another con from the goverment, im a good owner who cares, loves and pays most fees, but i feel its the good owners again getting done by the shite owners , goverment get off your arse and stop bad owners form having dogs who aint go a clue. rant over , any views?
Well this is supposed to make tracing dangerous dogs easier, do they really think that the morons who own these dogs as status symbols are going to give their real details when having a pup chipped, "lurcherman" I agree with you this is not going to stop the morons owning dangerous dogs
yes also the dangerous dogs, these owners who dont care for law of controlling there dogs dont even go to the vets so how in many cases is it going to be traced? how many times has a bad owner whos dog rips another pet to bits then still dosnt get pts? if your dog rips another dog while its off the lead then action must be taken, like i said im a good owner and i will die for mine when they are being attacked, the dog wardens in my patch have gone to sleep im sure they know whats going on but are they too scared to act, its money money money and the only way im getting mine chipped is when im faced with losing my dogs but until then its up yours david i love myself cameron,
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I think the aim is to have puppies microchipped while still with the breeder.

Over time this will mean that all dogs will be traceable to the breeder.

In my opinion breeders need to take more responsibility for the dogs they breed. If the dog is in need of re-homing or has hereditary health problems/aggression then the breeder should be involved. This, in turn, would mean that breeders would be very careful who they sell puppies to. Only when we have fewer dogs being bred by responsible breeders, who only sell to responsible owners will the dog problem be resolved.
I think the aim is to have puppies microchipped while still with the breeder.Over time this will mean that all dogs will be traceable to the breeder.

In my opinion breeders need to take more responsibility for the dogs they breed. If the dog is in need of re-homing or has hereditary health problems/aggression then the breeder should be involved. This, in turn, would mean that breeders would be very careful who they sell puppies to. Only when we have fewer dogs being bred by responsible breeders, who only sell to responsible owners will the dog problem be resolved.

In an ideal world it sounds fine, but it just won't work. How can ALL people who breed a litter be made to chip the puppies if nobody knows they have a litter. Impossible to police it. Only the law abiding will do it.

I think it is wrong to chip a puppy when it's born, which is how it reads.

Think again MPs.
I think the aim is to have puppies microchipped while still with the breeder.Over time this will mean that all dogs will be traceable to the breeder.

In my opinion breeders need to take more responsibility for the dogs they breed. If the dog is in need of re-homing or has hereditary health problems/aggression then the breeder should be involved. This, in turn, would mean that breeders would be very careful who they sell puppies to. Only when we have fewer dogs being bred by responsible breeders, who only sell to responsible owners will the dog problem be resolved.

In an ideal world it sounds fine, but it just won't work. How can ALL people who breed a litter be made to chip the puppies if nobody knows they have a litter. Impossible to police it. Only the law abiding will do it.

I think it is wrong to chip a puppy when it's born, which is how it reads.

Think again MPs.
Good points, my concern is the pups presumably will be registered to the breeder :thumbsup: he sells the pups on and for what ever reason the pup through no fault of its own gets moved on. Then coming up lets say 3yrs old the authority's have an issue with the dog, they scan it and go round to the breeders house who incidently sold the house and moved on :eek: that leaves the system UP THE PROVERBIAL CREEK WITHOUT A PADDLE
No system is going to be foolproof and of course you will get the odd ones that have moved house etc. But come on what alternative do you suggest?

All mine are chipped , the chances of recovery if they are lost or stolen is so much higher. As a breeder surely you would want the phone call that said one of your dogs had been handed in to a dogs home...or hit by a car....

It wont solve some problems because some people are the problem ....but would you advocate having no tax and MOT just because the minority of misfits dont bother ?
Nobody mentions tattoos. surely that should be considered as a means if identity????

There really is no way every single puppy will be chipped, it's an just not practical. Also, why is the charge so high £30, people just won't pay that just to have a little chip inserted.
One of the problems that I can see in implanting Microchips in puppies is that they often migrate as the puppy grows.

Two of my whippets who were microchipped before I took them on have migrated chips.

Both can be felt just under the skin of their shoulders.

This raises other points and concerns:

If a chip migrates, it could be missed when scanning the dog

If the chip can be felt under the skin as a lump, would this affect judging at shows?

If the chip is so close to the surface of the skin, could not an unscrupulous person remove the chip?

People who use dogs in fighting and some travelling folk etc would not have any qualms about doing this.
I would always chip my dogs, to me it is a no-brainer. Heaven forbid one of them should go missing, but were that to happen I want the best possible chance of getting them back. There are loads of "what ifs" posted on this subject but I have read nothing that would make me change my mind. I know we have breeders and exhibitors who are qualified to chip and don't charge £30 a dog.

whenever we have to do something there are always people railing against it, how many times have we heard - "Im not wearing a seat belt" " nobody tells me i cant smoke in the pub" etc etc truth is they all conform in the end :D
tell me how are they going to make me do it then, mine are ten years old and i dont see the point? and on the point of car tax yes we shouldnt tax our cars because they not doing the roads its a rip off, taxed mine 2day and the poxy gov hav put it up again, we english are so bloody soft.
From what I understand, it is for all 'new' dogs ie born from now or a set date(which I do not know)..not all dogs, a bit like the docked dogs situation. If it works, eventually in time all dogs will ideally be microchipped, but until then some will & some wont.

I am not saying it will work or it wont, just how I understand it......
I would always chip my dogs, to me it is a no-brainer. Heaven forbid one of them should go missing, but were that to happen I want the best possible chance of getting them back. There are loads of "what ifs" posted on this subject but I have read nothing that would make me change my mind. I know we have breeders and exhibitors who are qualified to chip and don't charge £30 a dog.
I had Tina chipped AND tattooed and Spot is already chipped. Diva we had done at Pets @ Home as they were doing it for just £10.

I was in our vets two weeks ago today (had to have my 17yo cat Misty pts) and whilst I was in the waiting room a lady came in with her dog and a springer that had followed her on the local beach, refused to leave and then jumped into her car! There was no sign of an owner even though she waited a while so she decided to pop into the vets to get him scanned and yes, he had a chip and the receptionist was able to get in touch with the owner :D

But as for chipping newborn pups etc - that wouldn't work for the simple reason that the scumbags who cause all the problems with their irresponsible behaviour won't bother getting it done. It's only the responsible owners who bother to look after their dogs properly and make sure they are well behaved citizens :'( Shame we couldn't cull the scumbags - it would certainly sort out a lot of problems in society :devil:
I'd like all pups to be chipped to their breeder, particularly having had experience of dog pounds and rescue, but the shame is that the scum will always avoid the expense, and in the same way false KC papers are issued, false chip papers will be too

My biggest problem with chipping is the consequent reduction in collar tags. When the heck will people realise that the popularity of mobile phones will get you your lost dog back within the hour 99/100 if your dog is tagged properly, but a chip cannot be read by a member if the public. You can't guarantee your dog will be taken to YOUR local dog pound either, and the release fees are extortionate IF they've booked your dog in as the correct breed in the first place, so they can actually return your captive dog to you

Tattoos - I know somebody who has had to tattoo working dogs and hates it as a barbaric practice. The pins often catch, and the pups yelp in pain. Do you know that there are dog pounds that don't even look in ears, and know NOTHING about tattooing as an identity practice for dogs? My mum's elkhound was tattooed by the breeder. It was illegible by the time he was 5