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Met A Odd Man On The Beach


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I Walked the girls along the beach earlier and a man started to make

a fuss of them. He didnt have a dog with him and when he asked if he

could buy Kaya i laughed it off. But a little while later he asked again

i told him off course he couldn't have my dog...........

He then said whippets were hard to come by and he would give me

a fair price, i refused again and started to walk off. Then he said what

about the big one can i buy her.

Id had enough by the time and told him politely to sling his hook.

But what a odd to happen on a walk :unsure:
:unsure: What a wierd man, fancy wanting to buy your dogs. :unsure: :wacko:

Your dogs are yours. and thats that. :thumbsup:
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the worlds full of strange folk.

glad he didnt get funny with you,as you just never know :sweating:
There are some very weird folk I agree.

My OH has had offers for the dogs too... :angry: he always says they belong to the wife... :lol: and walks away.
I agree and glad he didn`t give you further trouble as sometimes these people can get to be a bit of a nuisance in more ways than one !

I like the `they belong to the wife ` bit !! hahaha ! That`s a good idea though , to say they belong to someone else....Strange persons around though !!
How weird - you'd've thought he would have taken the hint!

I've had more than one offer for my 2 - I always say they're not for sale but you wouldn't want them, can't run, won't chase and no good for breeding

I always apologise to the boys after, for saying such wicked things about them - but i would hate someone to be thinking they're worth nicking :thumbsup:
I've had the same thing happen to me, must admit it freaks me out a bit particularly if I am somewhere isolated.
:( that sort of thing happens a lot with running dogs and stafford types. be careful, hun. always be aware of your surroundings and never take your eye off the ball :luck:
When we first got married we had a lovely lurcher (greyhound xdeerhound) and she was out in the yard with the terriers. Two blokes knocked on the door and asked if they could buy her - They said had seen me walking the dogs and had followed us home! :eek: I told them she wasnt for sale, wasnt worked, had been spayed (anything to put him off) they eventually went but I was scared to death in case they tried to steal her I never took her out on my own again for ages. :rant:
Keep an eye out

Never let them out on their own and avoid where you were this morning for a wee while unless you are with OH.

Ive had cash offered to me in the street and gypsy's following us especially when we had the lurcher bitch. Husband did his nut!!!

Just be careful :(
ohh how odd, be careful Ann, he just might look out for you again (not trying to scare you) its a strange old world we live in these days, i was approached by a bloke asking way to many questions about Gyp's..........and just as urchin said, i just told him she was a old rescue, couldnt breed her and wouldnt chase anything :- " ............he soon left us alone!!!
urchin said:
How weird - you'd've thought he would have taken the hint!
I've had more than one offer for my 2 - I always say they're not for sale but you wouldn't want them, can't run, won't chase and no good for breeding

I always apologise to the boys after, for saying such wicked things about them - but i would hate someone to be thinking they're worth nicking  :thumbsup:

I would say that to , you dont really want them to think it's worth stealing because it's better to be safe then sorry :huggles:
I agree with all you have said.Just be aware of people being "over friendly" with your dogs and asking to many questions.

Also,Watch them at all times and be careful your not being followed.Have your mobile with you and don't isolate yourself.

There are odd folk out there and we have had "scrotes" asking about Eric...How much was he? Are you local? Where do you take him to walk?

Just be switched on.....

But failing that i would use a double left jab,Right straight,Left hook and low roundhouse kick to leg! My other hobby is "Muay thai" thai boxing LoL :lol: :- "
how strange,there are some really weird people out there.
Very worrying, although I think it's fairly safe where we are :unsure:

But it does make you wonder so I'll just carry on taking the GSDs out as well in the hope that they may protect us if needed??? :- " :thumbsup:
I have taken someone with since he appeared and will do so for

the next couple of days...........just lucky im not short of company

isn't it :))

Just makes you a bit nervous doesn't it :unsure:
I think you are very wise to have someone with you. It is scary, at least with bitches you can say that they are spayed but I worry cos I was told that Rifle would be more attractive to thieves cos he's still got his 'crown jewels', no easy way of hiding them lol!! :- "