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Messing About With Elfyourself And Scroogeyourself

:lol: :lol: you have to have a look at them (w00t) , but it takes time to DOWN LOAD :lol: :lol: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL AND ALL THE BEST FOR 2008 :cheers: :cheers:
(w00t) LOVE IT ELAINE :lol: we"ll have to get some ELF costumes for Cornwall, :- " Dosent John move well. :lol:
i cant see them!!!! :rant: freezes on me!!!!! :rant:
that was great john and elaine merry christmas to you from the peppermint gang.see you in the new year :cheers:
posh totty said:
i cant see them!!!!  :rant:   freezes on me!!!!!  :rant:
My son says: What you need to do is to click on the link. When it freezes loading go to the address bar and click at the end of the link and then click enter then it will reload and the bar will move further along. :thumbsup: Hope it works.