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steph gee

New Member
Reaction score
Could someone explain the info on your members profile at the side of your posts.

How long are you classed as a new member and on mine it has - warn 0%?

I know these seem silly questions but would really like to know :- "

you're a new member until you've posted a certain number of posts... and everyone has the warning thing, but you can only see your own. 0% means you've been a good girl, lol :lol: so far :- "
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~Helen~ said:
you're a new member until you've posted a certain number of posts... and everyone has the warning thing, but you can only see your own. 0% means you've been a good girl, lol :lol: so far :- "
Thanks for that I uderstand a bit better :D
steph gee said:
Could someone explain the info on your members profile at the side of your posts.How long are you classed as a new member and on mine it has  - warn 0%?

I know these seem silly questions but would really like to know  :- "


You progress to a Junior Member 8) after 25 posts, next break point after that is 60 posts.

The warning system is explanied on the Rules & Disclaimer page.
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Being hard of understanding myself, so pleased someone already asked :thumbsup:

Paranoia was starting to set in :p :p :p