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Megan Enjoying The Snow


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Here is Megan, not so sure if to eat the snow or play in it!

mmmmmm, nope I'll just watch it mum :blink:

Joshua & Bradley say, Megan, go and have roll for us as we have no snow!
Aww look at little Megan :wub: - just as well its not too deep (w00t)
Isn't she goregeous :wub: and her sweet name really suits her!
She has just been out in the garden again this time with her coat on :)) I was clearing the path and she was enjoying catching the snowballs I threw for her. Unfortunately with her having such a coat she had impacted snow in her little legs and feet (w00t) she needed defrosted when she came back in, bless her :- " You'd never get that problem with a Whippet :))

I used to have a Shih Tzu who adored rolling in the snow. She always ended up with little ice balls all over here ears, tummy,legs and tail :b

I had to stand her in the bath and pull them all out and then give her a good rub with a towel before letting her loose or these would be ice balls all over the house -lots of little damp patches looking suspicious! :b

Hope Megan enjoys it before it thaws again. No snow in Kent yet (well just flurries but it hasn't settled)
Lovely Megan.

Can you find her in the snow :clown:
She hates the rain but seems to like the snow :thumbsup: