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Meet Grissom


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After many family arguements over a new pet for the kids, we decided (after much research :blink: ) to buy grissom, he is a 4yr old hermanns tortoise (w00t) .

I wanted a show rat, sam wanted a cat, maddy wanted a real life pink "my little pony" and a pokemon and dave didnt want anything that was rodenty, fluffy,smelt or scratched....hence we now have a tortoise :lol:


lovely :wub:

we had one when we were little, called sally :)
Brilliant :wub: - love tortoises....thanks for showing. :cheers:
What does he clock on a 150yd dash?!! (w00t)

Loved the video by the way, had me in hysterics! :lol:
Hope the quality was'nt too bad :- " :blink: :eek:

believe it or not grissom can shift when he gets going :thumbsup: esp when theres a clover leaf or a flower that he's got his eye on.

He's at the vets this afternoon (i was recommended a tortoise vet in tarporley) he's having a check up, being microchipped and wormed :) so hopefully its not gonna be too bad for him :luck:
Crikey I never thought about vets and stuff, but obviously because he's a rarity he needs a special vet. You'll have to video him, he sounds like fun. :D No humpy vids though! :lol:
ahhh...... THAT video (thought u meant the dvd i gave tony :b )

I was shocked...seriously shocked when i saw it!!!!! i found that on a tortoise forum ( now a member of a tortoise forum!!!!!).
PMSL!!!! You nutter!! :lol: (w00t) Mind you I bet they laugh at us with a whippet forum!

THAT Video had me shocked too, I thought it was just playing with the ball till it rolled over! (w00t) I'd like to see you explain that to Sam if Grissom get's excited!

DVD was good too, cheers :thumbsup: Don't think Tony was too impressed ( I recon it was the scene of the man loosing his attire that upset him) (w00t)
he deffinately is (w00t) a big csi fan :thumbsup:
Me 2 but how flaming annoying was it at the end of the last episode when it said to be continued.........! i was livid lol me n bf just sat staring at each other!