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May I Just Ask...........


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What do all you folk who profess your dogs "fill the pot" do with the kill. Do you stroke your egos with the amount of animals your dogs kill, or do you put them on the table?

I feel I have a right to ask as I have just put a pigeon casserole on our table for tea tonight.
Joanna said:
What do all you folk who profess your dogs "fill the pot" do with the kill. Do you stroke your egos with the amount of animals your dogs kill, or do you put them on the table?I feel I have a right to ask as I have just put a pigeon casserole on our table for tea tonight.

i find a pot fill it put it on the stove stroke my ego for a bit eat whats in the pot and maybe do a bit more ego stroking (w00t) :cheers: :b
masta said:
Joanna said:
What do all you folk who profess your dogs "fill the pot" do with the kill. Do you stroke your egos with the amount of animals your dogs kill, or do you put them on the table?I feel I have a right to ask as I have just put a pigeon casserole on our table for tea tonight.

i find a pot fill it put it on the stove stroke my ego for a bit eat whats in the pot and maybe do a bit more ego stroking (w00t) :cheers: :b

Not in public I hope :- " :lol:
May one boldly ask as to how you obtained your Pigeon for your casserole then?
Jazzys dad said:
May one boldly ask as to how you obtained your Pigeon for your casserole then?
Not through a dog (this time) my husband shot them with his air rifle.

i find a pot fill it put it on the stove stroke my ego for a bit eat whats in the pot and maybe do a bit more ego stroking
Are you saying you eat them?

I suppose my question (and my conscience) is asking, do your dogs (or you) kill for fun and dispose of the kill, or use it. It is where I draw a line. I actually don't want to eat kill, but I do as I consider it a waste of a life to let it rot or bin it!
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with you all the way on this one Joanna, most definately a waste of a life if gets thrown out or left to rot
There was a time I'd shoot any vermin / pest etc including collared doves, pigeons, rabbits etc.

Suddenly I got old and wise, and had the notion that if I don't eat it, why kill it?

These days I believe in live and let live (in most cases).

If your OH is going to go for pigeons (Presuming woodies) I'd just lift the breast off the bone and not bother with the rest of it - too much faffin' about.

As for just letting the dog off the lead to chase / kill for the sake of it - No way, and I'd like to think that every responsible lamper / hunter would go the same way.
If your OH is going to go for pigeons (Presuming woodies) I'd just lift the breast off the bone and not bother with the rest of it - too much faffin' about.
Yes it is woodies, I have requested no carcass as I am squeamish. he has a code of conduct, and won't pop off a squirrel in his sights. It isn't just sport. I would hate that :(
i`ve been out with my old mate carlsberg a few times,we usually eat a few then take the rest to our local birds of prey centre,so we get a few quid plus free access to the birds all year round.. ;)
The barrister said:
i`ve been out with my old mate carlsberg a few times,we usually eat a few then take the rest to our local birds of prey centre,so we get a few quid plus free access to the birds all year round.. ;)
OK, so not wasting, and a responsible attitude (even if mercenary :lol: ) I can go with that.
Good question ... it made me think.

My girls are too young at the moment but part of their life in the future will be pest controlling the rabbit population on my land who insist on eating my horses' grass and excavating the ground, making it dangerous for the horses to move around on.

I don't want to eat the rabbits and so I expect I shall dispose of them when the time comes. I haven't given this much thought yet but most 'roadkill' and other deaths get eaten by scavengers so I assume the same will happen if I throw any dead rabbits into the hedgerows - although they will be my hedgerows and not someone elses (w00t)

The other reason I will encourage my whippets to catch rabbits is purely the fact that they (the whippets :- " ) will enjoy it and it is something that comes completely naturally to most of them :thumbsup:

Thank you for raising this topic ...... as I said, it did focus my thoughts on what I will do :cheers:
The barrister said:
i`ve been out with my old mate carlsberg a few times,we usually eat a few then take the rest to our local birds of prey centre,so we get a few quid plus free access to the birds all year round.. ;)

Good for you, and you're doing a good thing by providing vital food for the centre.

No waste there then.
jinnyfizz said:
Good question ... it made me think.
My girls are too young at the moment but part of their life in the future will be pest controlling the rabbit population on my land who insist on eating my horses' grass and excavating the ground, making it dangerous for the horses to move around on.

I don't want to eat the rabbits and so I expect I shall dispose of them when the time comes. I haven't given this much thought yet but most 'roadkill' and other deaths get eaten by scavengers so I assume the same will happen if I throw any dead rabbits into the hedgerows - although they will be my hedgerows and not someone elses (w00t)

The other reason I will encourage my whippets to catch rabbits is purely the fact that they (the whippets :- " ) will enjoy it and it is something that comes completely naturally to most of them :thumbsup:  

Thank you for raising this topic ...... as I said, it did focus my thoughts on what I will do  :cheers:

One of my dogs is training on the lamp on a permission. My OH thinks I am going to cook the rabbit, I do have reservations but I don't want waste. My parents have already got a recipe book out and have found some delightful dishes for bunny) I am a reluctant carnivore and would happily live on cheese and coleslaw with the occasional lobster 8) . I live in the country, I accept the way of the country, but it must not be for sport alone. To me, killing for sport is abhorent. I would not want to brag of a dog's prowess if it was just about numbers and nothing else. Pest control, sport to eat kill are acceptable, but where do we draw the line?

Jane the fox will eat yours, but I am glad you are thinking. I await the hardened hunter response, or the hands rubbed together with glee at a dispatch response.
jinnyfizz said:
Good question ... it made me think.
I don't want to eat the rabbits and so I expect I shall dispose of them when the time comes. I haven't given this much thought yet but most 'roadkill' and other deaths get eaten by scavengers so I assume the same will happen if I throw any dead rabbits into the hedgerows - although they will be my hedgerows and not someone elses (w00t)

If you don't want to eat them,why not let your dogs have them?

If any of my lot catch a rabbit,or pigeon,they take great joy in eating their out very cost effective :D
Joanna said:
What do all you folk who profess your dogs "fill the pot" do with the kill. Do you stroke your egos with the amount of animals your dogs kill, or do you put them on the table?I feel I have a right to ask as I have just put a pigeon casserole on our table for tea tonight.

hi joanna, I' we love to hunt for the table but also like the dogs to kill regular on almost anything they are game enough to tackle. i also love to stroke my ego as ive heard its good for your prostate.. :thumbsup:
alfyn said:
jinnyfizz said:
Good question ... it made me think.
I don't want to eat the rabbits and so I expect I shall dispose of them when the time comes. I haven't given this much thought yet but most 'roadkill' and other deaths get eaten by scavengers so I assume the same will happen if I throw any dead rabbits into the hedgerows - although they will be my hedgerows and not someone elses (w00t)

If you don't want to eat them,why not let your dogs have them?

If any of my lot catch a rabbit,or pigeon,they take great joy in eating their out very cost effective :D

Well one of mine is very partial to pigeon, but we won't go there, it was a terrible occasion in my garden in August when Archie caught and devoured my baby........Beak, feathers, feet and all :x
If mine ever did kill (which they haven't, yet) I would give the kill to them as part of their already varied raw food diet. Surely that's the best and healthiest way to "dispose" of it?
sparky said:
Joanna said:
What do all you folk who profess your dogs "fill the pot" do with the kill. Do you stroke your egos with the amount of animals your dogs kill, or do you put them on the table?I feel I have a right to ask as I have just put a pigeon casserole on our table for tea tonight.

hi joanna, I' we love to hunt for the table but also like the dogs to kill regular on almost anything they are game enough to tackle. i also love to stroke my ego as ive heard its good for your prostate.. :thumbsup:

TOO MUCH INFORMATION SPARKY............ (w00t) Perhaps I should have said I have no desire to share stroking anecdotes :wacko:
sparky said:
Joanna said:
What do all you folk who profess your dogs "fill the pot" do with the kill. Do you stroke your egos with the amount of animals your dogs kill, or do you put them on the table?I feel I have a right to ask as I have just put a pigeon casserole on our table for tea tonight.

hi joanna, I' we love to hunt for the table but also like the dogs to kill regular on almost anything they are game enough to tackle. i also love to stroke my ego as ive heard its good for your prostate.. :thumbsup:

LOL Tony .....but same here ...My dogs eat some of what they kill...we have eaten some of what they've killed, but the rest is left to the Buzzards etc .... Can I stroke my ego now please ??
~Helen~ said:
If mine ever did kill (which they haven't, yet) I would give the kill to them as part of their already varied raw food diet. Surely that's the best and healthiest way to "dispose" of it?
If they are trained to kill rabbit and bring back, they couldn't eat that many Helen. One is fair enough, and I would imagine any of yours would happily eat that (having seen the evidence of a house dog with pigeon). It is more the out to kill in numbers I am asking about.