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Man With Pricipals


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I would just like to say well done to John Meades for standing by what you believe in.Ito am a great believer in principals and would have done the same . I withdrew my dog from racing altogether for 2yrs when Steve and Julie were whitch hunted out of racing (my opinion anyway). so Icould not follow suit I did renew my bwra membership though just so I could sign the PETITION.
Well done john , but a hard decision to make
:) Abit of a contradiction your post's, don't you think, :wacko: if Steve and Julie stayed in whippet racing.

you would have said the members that refused to race with them were members with principlals, :b you have set level's in the new fed the same as the bwra but if your members get a test come back below your set level, you think that members should have the principals not to run there dogs with that owner, :blink: why not have zero :oops:

i'm sure your new fed chair-man will be pleased you think him a man without principle, :eek: because he ran is dog with my dog as will all your members that ran in the 6hts with our dogs, :D

but not to worry you have a man with principle to take his place lol :cheers:
I can find better things to do like unblocking the drains e,g than reading you silly comments, however I will explain to you what principles are; a genuine honest person goes to a race meeting especially the championships and is not prepared to run his dogs if cheats who by a majority verdict are supposed to be banned say,s he will withdraw his dogs on principal and does just that then that man has stuck by his principals and Iadmire him for it. It,s a hard descision for anyone to make there is no criticism here from me against anyone who entered apart from yourself and Tony. As for NEW FED rules they don,t concern you. As for drug testing and Steve and Julie we,ll all know the real truth soon enough.

you have to have a tollerance level, ZERO TOLLERANCE is impossible to stick to,you would have to cage your dogs 24-7 to achieve :( ZERO IMO is even harder to stick too when you have small children & gran-children about the house. :cheers:
the only good thing that would have come out of zero tollerance is that the pRAT would have been long gone