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Making Her Wishes Known, In No Uncertain Terms!


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Kibah loves bananas, it's a fact! As soon as she hears the snap of the top of a banana she comes running from where ever, what ever she is doing.

I dont buy bananas much because they're expensive here and living on a budget I cant afford to pay $6 Kg or more for them. I love them too though and the other day they were on special for about $2.50 so I happily bought some.

I've been trying to keep that fact quiet from her ladyship though but .........sigh, she must have got a whiff of them late last night and came to me while I was in bed. It was late, maybe 11.30 or so, I thought she must have needed to go to the toilet and asked her just that, but by her response I knew that wasn't the problem. So I get out of bed because I can tell she is saying, "follow me", ........... obedient thing that I am :rolleyes: . Off she trots glancing back to make sure I am following and then stands at the kitchen bench looking and sniffing longingly upwards. I said do you want a "nana" and her eyes nearly popped out of her head. How could I resist that clever demanding little girl, so at 11.30 there I am catering to my spoiled adorable little fiend of a whippet. I only gave her half and made her peel it herself but thankfully it satisfied her craving (for the moment) and she let me go back to bed.

Here's a pic from a while ago, probably when bananas were last on special, Notice her eyes closed in bliss?

Awww that is a heavenly expression!!

Bluebell loves Blueberries...appropriately enough...well and just about any other fruit and veg!
She's lovely :wub: :wub: Mine love blackberries and in September/October they happily graze along the lower branches when we're walking. Mind you, it makes picking up the other end somewhat messy. :wacko:
Bliss :wub:

I feed them to our Whippets but they are far too expensive for me to be feeding them to our kids lol
What a wonderful photo.... :wub:

funny mine dont like bananas but hey ho...nowt as funny as whippets... :lol:
The other week we had plums in the fruit bowl. When I went to get some half of them were half eaten. Mr Diesel had been helping himself. He loves any fruit and veg though.
mine pick blackberries too, when i went sloe picking i took sidney and he was helping himself to the sloes in my bucket - weirdo, he's the only one likes bananas and apple cores and cucumber too
Aww what a lovely picture, she looks like she is really enjoying that banana :huggles:
aww :wub:

all mine love ''nanas'', same thing, if they hear one being peeled they come running, but then they come running whenever food is involved :lol:

my old dog, when we took him along to the forrest, used to pick blueberries off the shrubs himself :)