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Mail Problems


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The mail problems on K9 have been caused by a spammer hacking into one of my customers sites (I rent server space to them) that's on the same IP address as K9. They ended up using the server to send spam mail (lots of it :rant: ). Although this is now hopefully resolved the IP address has unfortunately been black listed at

The knock on effect of this is those isp's that check mail against the list will refuse any mail coming from K9.... I know that the following domains are blocking mail:

I'll add more domains as I'm aware of them. This means that anyone using those domains for their email will receive no mail from K9 until the K9 IP address is removed from the blacklist. This should happen within a few days (I hope)....

Sorry for the inconvenience :angry:
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I wondered why I wasnt getting notification of PMs from K9 until I logged on here :eek:
As far as I can tell all mail should now be getting through ok. If you've tried to register in the last couple of days & not received the confirmation email please request a resend of your validation email.
Nigel said:
As far as I can tell all mail should now be getting through ok. If you've tried to register in the last couple of days & not received the confirmation email please request a resend of your validation email.
That's not quite true... AOL are still blocking mail - I guess AOL users will again have to wait for their isp to sort themeselves out :wacko:
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AOL did sort themselves for a while but now it looks like they're blocking mail again :rant: :rant: - sorry I've emailed them to complain but it's entirely in their hands. My only suggestion to all the AOL users is to go & find youreself another ISP if you want to see when you get PM's, be notified of new posts, be emailed by other users, etc, etc. :thumbsup:
Nigel said:
AOL did sort themselves for a while but now it looks like they're blocking mail again  :rant:   :rant: - sorry I've emailed them to complain but it's entirely in their hands. My only suggestion to all the AOL users is to go & find youreself another ISP if you want to see when you get PM's, be notified of new posts, be emailed by other users, etc, etc. :thumbsup:
Still not getting any sense out of AOL - so I've changed things around a bit and AOL users should now be getting mail, but for how long I don't know :nuke:
I'm still recieving notification of PM's :thumbsup:
LasVegasNo1 said:
I'm still recieving notification of PM's :thumbsup:
I worked around the AOL problem a couple of days ago - previous to that there was about a week when they were blocking all mail.
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