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Jan Doherty

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Our council only picks up the bins every other week and in the summer after a hot day if you get a shower of rain in the evening the bin gets covered with maggots. They are hatching inside the bin and then crawling out :x :x

Does anyone know what I can out in the bin to kill them?

It really is vile. Our estate is like Bin city. blue, Green and brown bins and no where to put them :rant:
sorry i dont know of any tips but that is really gross :x :x bloomin council - maybe you could put a complaint in to them requesting they be collected weekly? pees me off that my bin day is a monday so when we get bank hols i miss a week! :rant: think i should have a reduction in tax :- "

oooo, just thought would jeys fluid kill em?? :unsure:
Would salt work? I know it dires out slugs so maybe it would work on maggots which are equally as gross.
Are you throwing away cooked food? This usually attracts maggots. I think they advise to bag and freeze unwanted cooked food i.e. chicken carcasses and only throw it away near bin collection day (a tip dispensed on 'How Clean is Your House?'). Not terribly practical....but all I can think of.

I can't imagine what it looks like with three bins per household where you live. It looked a little bit untidy with just one bin out the front, :b as everyone converted their bin store into an extension for their kitchens (I used to live round the corner from you).

I'm dreading having two bins. Lots of the old miners' terraces up here in our village don't have the room for one bin let alone two, and they look so unsightly outside front doors. :eek: They should make them smaller.

Our council is the same and I have to watch what I put in the bin. I put some left over tripe the dogs hadnt eaten. You can imagine the smell after sitting in the sun for two weeks. I have complained but didnt even get a reply. We now have stupid recycling boxes and this is suppose to mean we dont use our bins so much. Thats fine in principle but it doent work.

I better not start as it is my pet hate at the moment. :rant:

Its been the subject of national television programmes here. The council dont want to know and I think they are about to start fining people for putting the wrong rubbish in the wrong bin :(

I already have to have my bins cleaned to keep the smell down which I have to pay for :rant: :rant:

Some areas are now paying a private company to come and clear their bins and bypassing teh council. Its ridiculous.
I'm a bit torn on this subject really. Having stayed at my grandmother's house in Germany a couple of times in the past year, I've noticed they have the same system. One bin for compost and one for other waste and another bin for recycling. Each collected at different times (not weekly). They don't empty the bin if it has the wrong contents and they even weigh them to ensure you don't throw away more than your quota. The system has been in place for quite a while, and from what I could see it was working. I didn't hear of any complaints whilst I was there (but I can't be certain of this fact)

I really do think we have to make more of an effort in this country as we do lag far behind our European neighbours on recycling and waste disposal, and councils have been slow to respond (and who can blame them...I think they could foresee the reaction).

It is quite a bit of effort, having to separate items and chuck 'em in the right bin, but you do get used to it. We've bought a compost bin for garden rubbish as well, and hope to recycle a lot of rubbish to use in the garden eventually. Admittedly smells, rats and maggots are going to be a problem, and rows of unsightly bins too. But if you're careful not to chuck away cooked food too early where you can, then this should help to reduce the problem.

I'm not looking forward to this, but if we want to save our country from running out of landfill sites and help reduce gas emissions from these sites, then what is the option? Maybe it will make people think about what they are buying, and how it gets disposed of eventually.

Doesn't help with food waste though...this is going to be a problem. :x Maybe the council have some ideas how to prevent maggots?

I'm off my soapbox now :b :)
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The council dont want to know because they want you to pay them

to come round once a fortnight and clean your bin :angry:
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I am all for recycling, I have a compost bin too :thumbsup: but I think it is totally disgusting that people should be getting maggots in their bins because they are not collected regularly enough, IMO this will lead to illness and disease, no amount of recycling is going to get rid of food waste and the idea of freezing food and saving it until bin day is total nonsense. :wacko:

Dustbins should be emptied for the sake of hygiene if nothing else, at the end of the day we still pay the same extortionate poll tax don't we :angry:

And those poor bin men having to clear it all away its ridiculous :rant:

My OH is a dustbin wagon driver/collector and they still have black bags in the county where he works and a box for recycling no wheelie bins :blink:
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we collect all our waste food from the day and feed the foxes in the evening,they actually wait for there feed on a night now
We have:-

Black bin for normal waste.

Green bin for garden rubbish, cardboard.

Red box for junk mail, paper etc.

Blue box for plastics, tins, glass bottles.

The black and green bins are collected once a fortnight - black one week, green the next week, and the boxes are collected every week.

We find it works very well, but there are only two of us, and the dogs, and we don't seem to throw much food away. :- "

The only thing I find annoying is the number of trips I make every day to put the rubbish in the bins as I don't have room in the house for different rubbish bins. :lol:

I have no intentions of freezing my left over food until it is time to chuck it out. Does that include all the dogs left overs to. Yuk.

What about people with babies and smelly nappies what do they do leave them stinking for two weeks. How healthy is that. I dont put my dog waste in the bin any more for this reason. I use to double bag it but it was still stinking. Instead it goes down the drain.

We have a black wheelie bin that is for household rubbish. A brown one for garden rubbish. But I dont use that one as I have a paved garden, no grass. So that is taking up space in the garage. The brown and black bins are emptied on alternative Fridays. We also have a red tub for plastic and paper and a blue one for tins and bottles these are collected weekly. But they are badly designed and not easy to put out when full.

As I breed rabbits I have a lot of waste from them. So i choose to pay for a extra large wheelie and pay to have that emptied weekly. I dont think I could cope without this extra bucket and quite often it will have household waste as well as rabbit waste in it.

I have no problem with recycling but i do have a problem with smelly bins. I only have a small garden and no were out the front to leave them so they have to go in the back garden. Lovely when you are sitting out on a hot day. The added flies are cool to.

We have a guy who comes around and washed the bins and puts a liner in them. I do my own but Iam a bit anal and will not put loose rubbish in the bin it all has to be bagged so it doesnt make a mess of the bucket. and hopefully keep down the smell and flies

We have a half-size wheelie bin for our rubbish that gets collected every week although we only put it out every 2 weeks because we have a really good recylcing collection that takes plastic bottles, cardboard, newspaper and junk mail. Only don't take glass :angry:

Rubbish was a problem when we shopped regularly at supermarket but now go to local butcher and farm shop so lots less packaging, healthier food and less waste and waste we do have can be composted or recycled. Only problem is doggie poo but as we have a big garden I can leave that at the end until bin day when it goes straight from bin to van.
I have no problem recycling plastic, cardboard and paper and would probably do more if it was collected weekly but I think it would be a bit extreme to have to freeze food waste :(

Anyway back to the original question the maggots :x

Exterminate, exterminate :thumbsup:
For several years we've only had our wheelie bin emptied fortnightly. The alternate week it's 'green bin' (grass cuttings etc) and recycling box.

Thankfully we've never had maggots :x
Our wheelie bin is only emptied every other Wednesday and generally we don't have a problem as we recycle a lot of things and do a trip down to the recycling banks a couple of times a week. However, there is only the 2 of us in our house, so we don't create loads of rubbish. We also don't eat a lot of pre-packaged food from the supermarket, preferring our local butcher etc.

I can imagine with larger family's that every other week to empty the bins is not enough - poor you with those maggots, you shouldn't have to resort to freezing leftovers to stop that :eek:
We have 2 wheelie bins, but only because we own 2 properties (now all one house) anyway they are emptied on Mondays..... then the Green Box scheme is emptied once a the box goes glass, cardboard, paper and tins. I wash all my tins out first before they go into the box.

I give all my veggie peelings to my rabbits, meat leftovers go the the cats and dogs.

I feel sorry for the refuse collectors now having to sort it all out - it must make their jobs a nightmare.

Other countries do show us up in this department.

Jan - Jeyes fluid should kill the maggots, its terrible that you have to put up with this. :angry:

makes you wonder why on earth we pay COUNCIL TAXES. :angry:
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Its a bit difficult Jan as they are inside the bin bleach will kill maggots but difficult to do inside you bin, you could pour it on any outside the bin though :thumbsup:

Also boiling water apparentley but again difficult with a bin full of rubbish, is there a spray you can get to spray inside then shut the lid and gas them to death :x a DIY store might know :thumbsup:
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Our council is the same...we were on fortnightly collections and the smell :x :x and increase in rats is horrible.Our cat has caught 3 in a fortnight,When she never caught them before! We got rid of the plague once :rant:

We are now back on weekly collections :thumbsup:

I am all in favour of recycling but give us the correct way/bins to do it!

We have a grey bin for general waste

A green bin for garden waste

And piddly little green box with NO lid for glass,plastic bottles,some types of plastic.

A bag for selected types paper!

There is nothing for cardboard,plastic wrapping,etc.....

Manufacturers are to blame with thier packaging!!

And why pay somebody else to clean out/move your rubbish? Thats what the council tax is for? :rant: But it gets spent on stupid elephants in Bolton at £40,000!! and they get smashed up even though they are vandal proof!
Okay folks a report on extermination process number one.

Introducing - Flyspray :nuke:

This was pretty effective but only if sprayed directly onto the maggots :) but hopeless just sprayed into the bin :( I could be out there all night nuking the little Buggers theer are so many.

Tomorrow I will try to source some jeyes fluid spray