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Machine Knit Pattern Whippet Sweater


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Some of the machine kniting groups i belong to have been asking me for dog sweaters and espicaily whippets sweater patterns so i have a pattern for a sweater for a whippet if anyone wants it I will email it them. its the one I use for my girls

fallenangel said:
Some of the machine kniting groups i belong to have been asking me for dog sweaters and espicaily whippets sweater patterns so i have a pattern for a sweater for a whippet if anyone wants it I will email it them. its the one I use for my girls    wendy

not to sure what "machine" kniting is but my granny has been asking me for weeks to try and find a knitting patteren for a puppy jumper? so if you have one of them i would love it :)
hi fallen angel is this pattern only for a knitting machine as me mum knits but not on a machine with needles if it can also be used with needles can you please send me copy :D :huggles: my email addy is

thank you :cheers:
no its only for machines a hand kniter whos never machine knited would never understand it. sorry

I can hand knit but not machine knit, shame cos those jumpers are lovely!

I bought a book full of things to knit for dogs!!

Its fab and keeps me occupied!

Hmm my mum might still have a knitting machine, i shall ask her later!
doggy182 said:
I can hand knit but not machine knit, shame cos those jumpers are lovely!I bought a book full of things to knit for dogs!!

Its fab and keeps me occupied!

Hmm my mum might still have a knitting machine, i shall ask her later!

I havent got the pattern at the moment I lost that one when I lost everything on my computer and I need to re design it again
Wow you made it yourself!

Thats really talented!

I dont think my mum would make me one anyway, she is a busy lady!

I am making a gold princess collar at the mo, but part of it is crocheted and I'm not so good at that!
fallenangel said:
Some of the machine kniting groups i belong to have been asking me for dog sweaters and espicaily whippets sweater patterns so i have a pattern for a sweater for a whippet if anyone wants it I will email it them. its the one I use for my girls    wendy

If you still have the pattern for this whippet dog jumper i would love it i just got a knitting machine and want to give this a go. thanks matt.
fallenangel if you still have the machine knitting pattern for the dog sweater I would love to try to make it for my whippet.