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Mac Is 6 Months Old Today

:clown: :huggles: :wub: Happy 6 months Birthday to Mac :wub: also to Dotti :wub: Billy :wub: Elliot :wub: and Jasper :wub:


Lots of these :huggles: from me and waggy tails and kisses from your sister Skye :wub:

Where has the time gone :eek:

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:clown: :huggles: :wub: Happy 6 months Birthday to Mac :wub: also to Dotti :wub: Billy :wub: Elliot :wub: and Jasper :wub:  

Lots of these :huggles: from me and waggy tails and kisses from your sister Skye :wub:

Where has the time gone :eek:


Blimey I think I blinked and missed it. :lol:

Happy 1/2 Birthday to you all for today.

Proud Lola and Ziggy are very pleased that there pups went to fantastic homes and they are all settled in very well. Ziggy went for a visit to see lola at the weekend and take the kids - him having custordy of the kids can be a chore so she needs to take some responsibility sometimes which she does very well (w00t) (w00t)

I would like to wish all my puppy owners well with there dogs and for those who will be in show shortly wish them all good luck :luck:

As always you know where we are if you need us, enjy your dogs


:clown: :clown: Happy half birthday Mac and to your brothers and sisters :clown: :clown:
Happy Half Birthday Gorgeous Mac!! :wub: :huggles: :wub: :huggles: