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Lure Coursing


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This sounds like fantastic fun and I am wondering if you can give more details about how you set the runs up. I have read that it simulates how a hare would run so there are twists and turns. How do you get the lure to do that without getting in to a terrible tangle - I did warn about the nuff nuff questions :lol:

I am imagining lure (fluffy toy?), string, pulleys, winch...? Is this something that you have to learn how to do hands on (ie do I need to come over to UK for a visit :D ) or can you give me a Lure Coursing for Dummies guide? Is Hunting attire mandatory? ;)

I have been to whippet races in Victoria but don't know of anyone who organises lure coursing and I would love to give is a try. Thanks for any guidance you can offer :cheers:
it's realy simple once you get going.

you need

Lure Machine.

plenty of large waggon/leasure batteries.

Lure String

pullus/rollers (link lower down)

a large field

i've put the link for injoy below they are based in america they have a section on setting up and running a lure course.

if you have anymore questions just PM me and i'll help you along


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Go for it Lewington

It is the best fun ever

Nailbiting watching the twists and turns

You may need a lesson or 2 in slipping though

But you could get round that by releasing from traps

And always a neutral judge whos word is final

Good luck its great for both dogs and spectators :thumbsup:
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Start off nice and relaxed take it as a fun day out and it'll go fine. :thumbsup:
What i like best is how the dogs love it........

the ones that aren't even in the race go mad when the race

starts. I took my youngest to watch this week and she was

getting very excited about it not sure what age they

are allowed to run from though.


Oh and of course you get to meet loads of whippets :thumbsup:
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Thanks for your encouragement :)

I'm prepared to give it a go but I need to see some pictures and maybe videos first.

Mark - I really appreciate your help unfortunately the link isn't working :( - I'll try again later and will google injoy in the meantime.

Any traps for young players that I need to know about - other than the 'neutral' judge? (thanks Jinx & Rubys Mum :D )
try this link if it doesnt work google injoy-1


theres loads of pictures of lures on his site as well as the pulleys/rollers we use over here.

he also shows some sample lure course layouts and even explains how to set a continuos loop system up (we use a straight forward take up system as we consider it safer.
go on yuotube put in lure coursing theres clubs from around the world on there, :thumbsup:
controversial said:
go on yuotube put in lure coursing theres clubs from around the world on there, :thumbsup:

I have a few questions!!

What distance do you usually run?

What breeds? Lurchers? or just pure breds?

What time of year or all year round?

I ran the lure for our local club this weekend. 650 yds Saturday and 700 yds Sunday. Different configureation each day. All dogs run at least twice. Course is run both ways. One way first round and reversed for the second. reversed again for any run offs. This was under ASFA rules and drag lurs rather than continuous loop. 650 yds is about the mimimum. I have been to lure courses of over 1000 yds.

Breeds were Whippets the highest entry. Greyhounds, Pharo hounds, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Borzoi, second highest numbers entered. One Irish Wolfhound and one Sloughi that wouldn't chase!

I took my Coyote dog and gave her an unofficial spin on Sunday.
We only race like with like as that is only fair

but any dog that will chase can have a go, Lurchers with lurchers,Greyhounds with greyhounds, whippets with whippets etc

Distance can be as little as 500yrds up to 1000 depending on space and the organiser on the day.

Lure coursing can be any time of year. Though the race season is on at the moment so there will be less dogs available as they concentrate on racing in the summer.

Just depends on what you concentrate on with your dog :thumbsup:
Thankyou all for your assistance in pointing me in the right direction :D

I now have some homework to do :thumbsup:
jinx and rubys mum said:
We only race like with like as that is only fair

but any dog that will chase can have a go, Lurchers with lurchers,Greyhounds with greyhounds, whippets with whippets etc

Perhaps I wasn't clear, like runs with like here too.

The only exception is that some clubs run Best in Field and then the BOB's run against each other.

Distance can be as little as 500yrds up to 1000 depending on space and the organiser on the day.

Lure coursing can be any time of year. Though the race season is on at the moment so there will be less dogs available as they concentrate on racing in the summer.

Here most lure coursers go lure coursing and racers go racing. More than enough particularly with Whippets to support both.