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Lure Coursing


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Can anybody tell me if there is any Lure Coursing Clubs over here.

I know that the Mid-Antrim Terrier & Lurcher boys have shows etc,but was wondering if we had anything like they do on the Mainland,like proper Whippet only Lure Coursing.

Does anybody out there know????????????

Or even if there is'nt one, would it be worth while starting one and how would I go about it!
it's realy easy to set up and get it up and running.

if you need any help e/mail me and i'll give you a full explanation or if you prefere your welcome to ring me.

you can see lure coursing equipment at Injoys web site follow this link ~ INJOY
Thank-You will have an ask about to see if there is enough interest and come back to you.
No problem, good luck in getting something sorted.

it would be a good reason for a trip over to compeat :thumbsup: